Thanks for the info. I saw that on assist and I was like…‘wha’? Hahaha. Didn’t apply to UCLA tho. xD. [:</p>
<p>WHAT?!?! They sent you a message?? Now I’m really nervous UGH.
Beardy: I’m a psych major</p>
<p>I’m majoring in Poli Sci at UCD and I used my AP Euro and AP US history to satisfy my pre-reqs for that. But I passed those tests. </p>
<p>However just because you took high school honors chem doesn’t mean that you took fulfilled that pre-req. That doesn’t count. The only stuff taken in high school that counts from a high school class room or what not is AP Credit for a test with a passing score. Otherwise i’m sorry but you are techniquely missing a pre req. I spelt that wrong…</p>
<p>Mt19871212 it says right on assist that you can use a high school chemistry course…</p>
<p>Okay lets make this clear. If you have 90 or more semester units, you will not be accepted as a transfer. If you have more than 70 but less than 90 semester units, you are eligible for transfer but only 70 units will transfer with you.</p>
<p>if you’re a ccc student it doesn’t matter…if you’re a 4 year transfer, then the above said is correct</p>
<p>“Is it true that AP credits are only there to help you, not hurt you? In other words, if you have above 129 units (the maximum amount of units you’re allowed to have to enter as a junior transfer) because you have a lot of AP credits, will the UCs just not count them?” -Sakurax</p>
<p>So does this mean that UC’s count your high school AP classes towards your CC unit total? </p>
<p>In my case, I took an English AP class in HS to fulfill one of my English GE’s. </p>
<p>I was on pace to complete 62 semester units by the end of this semester. But unfortunately I had to Withdraw from one of the classes, leaving me with 57 units(not including my HS English AP class).</p>
<p>Would UC’s take that English class into account when they are tallying my unit total?</p>
<p>Really, sorry I didn’t bother looking. I know that what I said is the case for my major… but as far as what I was told you couldn’t use high school classes to fulfill pre-reqs. But if that’s the case then why worry, you’ll be fine. They’ll figure it out.</p>
<p>AP Units will help you get to the minimum of 60/90 units. They won’t hurt you if you have over 129 quarter units with AP exams included. The school will simply not count it towards the cap of 216 quarter units.</p>