<p>If you did...
Did you indicate that on your UC app? and where did you write it? Feedback is GREATLY appreciated! I'm freaking out because I used my high school course (Chem. Honors) to satisfy my chem class which is a major prereq for my major (for UCLA specifically).. but I forgot to write that on my app because I'm such an idiot! I feel like there is nothing I can do about it now..</p>
<p>your admission decision has already been made…if you are rejected, as you probably will be b/c chem is an important pre req for any major, you can appeal</p>
<p>your appeal should have a better chance than most b/c this is new and compelling information to UCLA</p>
<p>talk to a counselor or call UCLA admissions, but I’m pretty sure that they cannot overturn your admissions decision now…what is your major btw?</p>
<p>Ummm…i used my spanish classes to fill my language req on the igetc…</p>
<p>and I got a 4 on the ap stats test so i’m using that for one of mine…</p>
<p>other then that i’m using a total of 5 ap classes to help achieve my unit total…</p>
<p>I haven’t heard anything from anyone yet…</p>
<p>The UC app had a section where you enter in any AP’s you have taken and the score(s) you got. You can go back and take a look by logging into your UC app again to be sure if you submitted it or not. Maybe you did enter the AP information, but forgot about it since it was one of many steps.</p>
<p>are you using the actual course or the AP score?</p>
<p>The AP test score…the actually class doesn’t really count for anything when transfering(if your doing a junior level transfer). You could have taken the test without the class, passed, and still gotten the same exact credit.</p>
<p>for some majors , such as psych, you can use the CHEM CLASS IN HS for prereq.</p>
<p>i think you can use this in an appeal</p>
<p>good luck.
or try emailing them</p>
<p>Had i known that I could have saved my self an entire semester worth of trouble!</p>
<p>Is it true that AP credits are only there to help you, not hurt you? In other words, if you have above 129 units (the maximum amount of units you’re allowed to have to enter as a junior transfer) because you have a lot of AP credits, will the UCs just not count them?</p>
<p>Yes that’s true</p>
<p>ccc students don’t have a max # of units, they will however accept a maximum of 70 units (# of units isn’t considered in admissions decisions)</p>
<p>uc/uc transfer only accepts applicants who have completed between 60-70 semester units at the UC that they are transferring from for jr transfer</p>
<p>^ what happens if a student goes over 70 units? :</p>
<p>if an applicant is transferring from a UC and has over 70 units, they will not be accepted into the school they applied to as they have senior not junior standing</p>
<p>Unless (according to caltouci) what’s putting you over the 70 unit limit is your AP credits, then they won’t count them…so you’ll still have a chance :)</p>
<p>^^ very true</p>
<p>Chem Honors can not be used as a pre-req for your major. If you took Chem AP and you took the AP test and got a certain score then you can use it.</p>
<p>^yeah thats what i thought</p>
<p>70 units doesn’t give you senior standing, 90 does(semester)</p>
<p>((for quarters its 135 for senior standing))</p>
<p>awakenzero, you can use high school chemistry to fulfill the chem prereq for the psychology major at UCLA.</p>
<p>Okay, on assist.org
for the chem prereq it says:
CHEM 2 Introductory Chemistry (4)|CHEM 10 Introductory Chemistry (5)
OR | OR<br>
CHEM 20A Chemical Structure (4)|CHEM 1A General Chemistry (5)
OR | OR<br>
One year of high school chemistry completed with grades of “C” or better. </p>
<p>so you can use your high school course to satisfy it. However, on the application they didn’t put a place so you could write down HS classes that satisfied it, so I completely forgot. I updated my UC pathway site like a month and 1/2 ago and wrote it in but I don’t know if they’re going to see it… since it’s past the deadline for updating. ■■■!!!
If I get rejected because of this, I’m going to flip out and then do an appeals lol. but seriously this sucks, because my GPA is above the admit average so I should have a good shot! URGHRUGHRUGH</p>
<p>I was in the same boat. After I realized what had happened I quickly emailed them about it. A week later I decided that notifying them through email wasn’t sufficient and so I then drove out to UCLA and handed the changes to them in physical form (used a blank sheet of paper).</p>
<p>To my surprise, on March 30th, I get an email from UCLA saying,</p>
<p>"Dear Newsha,</p>
<p>We are in the process of reviewing your application. Before we can complete our review and reach an admission decision, we need the following information from you:</p>
<p>Did you complete one year of high school Chemistry? If yes, please tell us the grades you received for each term.</p>
<p>We must receive this information within five days of this message date, or processing of your application may be delayed or canceled.</p>
<p>Please click ‘reply’ to send your response and include this original message. If you have information to send to us, such as course updates, please send it in the body of the email versus an attachment.</p>
<p>UC Los Angeles Undergraduate Admissions"</p>
<p>As a heads up, this email came from <a href=“mailto:admissions-review@ucop.edu”>admissions-review@ucop.edu</a>, not <a href=“mailto:datachng@saonet.ucla.edu”>datachng@saonet.ucla.edu</a></p>
<p>If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message. </p>
<p>What field of study are you majoring in by the way Stargalaxy?</p>