<p>I randomly checked wolverineaccess this morning...and I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no idea when they updated or how my decision got there but I don't care! Just wanted to notify everyone that decisions <em>might</em> be in for everyone. Good luck everyone ^_^</p>
<p>OMG I just checked and I GOT IN! WOLVERINE 2009!!</p>
<p>When was the last time you guys checked wolverine access?</p>
<p>On which page do they show the notification that you were accepted? Is it on the page immediately after you click on “application status” or do you go into “View Application Data” or “View Credentials?”</p>
<p>Thanks for that post man, I saw it while I was on the internet in English and checked right away, and I’m in!</p>
<p>And it’s on the Application Status page, right next to View Credentials</p>
<p>i was also accepted this morning!</p>
<p>do you think that there will be more decisions posted at midnight or that this round was posted this morning??</p>
<p>I GOT INNNNNNNNNN!!! awesome</p>
<p>Good Luck to everyone else. I hope another batch comes out tonight :)</p>
<p>When were all of your materials in??
Im still nervously waiting =(</p>
<p>I had everything in by 10/1 and no decision yet =\ I have a perfect ACT and good grades so :/</p>
<p>@rhyn0: you’ll get in for sure. probably another round at midnight or something? I just randomly checked today, even though I had no reason to expect it to be up. Last time i checked before today was 2 nights ago.</p>
<p>for everyone who got in today: when did you apply/get all your materials in? I applied early october, but my recs weren’t sent until october 27th. When do you think i’ll hear by?</p>
<p>I submitted by application in the last week of September but my final materials didn’t get there till Oct 10th. Just got my decision today.</p>
<p>ACCEPTED TODAY!!! Application Date: 9/17 Application Complete: 10/10</p>
<p>my app was complete by 10/16</p>
<p>if I haven’t gotten any decision and I got everything in by 10/1, does this mean I’m going to be rejected??</p>
<p>i submitted mine 10/14. I dunno, your stats are extremely high. Unless 1) you have NO extracurriculars 2) you wrote your essay in a different language, or 3) your recommendations tell the school to not accept you, you’re in for sure, imo. Give it sometime. maybe tonight will be the night - i’m praying for my friend who hasn’t gotten in yet.</p>
<p>heh I have two summers of cancer research at NYU and my teachers like me!</p>
<p>I’m hoping that there will be more at midnight? But what do you guys think:</p>
• SAT: CR: 750, M: 780, W: 710
• SAT II: Math II: 800, Chemistry: 740
• ACT: Didn’t Take
• GPA: UW: 3.9/4.0 , W: 7.8/8.3
• Rank: 2/280
• AP: Chem- 5 (School offers few APs)
• Senior Courses: AP Literature, AP Physics B, AP Calc AB, Latin 4, Organic Chemistry Honors</p>
<p>Extra Curricular:
•Started Destination Imagination Team and Program at our High School. We have competed all four years, and have helped start other teams. (7 Hours a week)
•Varsity Math Team. I am, this year, a Tri-Captain. Last year, I was ranked Second Highest-Scoring Junior in the League. I am currently the First Highest-Scoring Senior after our first meet. (4 Hours a week)
•National Honor Society Member. (1 Hour a week)
•Winnacore Member- kind of an Honor Society centered around Community Service (1 Hour a week)
•87 Hours of Community Service
•I run various activities through my town’s Rec. Department. Our Rec. Director is writing me a letter.
•I played Tennis my sophomore year, had to discontinue in years following due to scheduling.</p>
• Location: New Hampshire
• High School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Male
• Income Bracket: $100,000
• Applied for Financial Aid: Yes</p>
•“Outstanding Achievement” on National Latin Exam: Introduction to Latin
•“Maxime Cum Laude” on National Latin Exam: Latin II
•“Maxime Cum Laude” on National Latin Exame: Latin III Prose
•High Honors every year
•#2 Junior for Tri-State Math League 2007-2008
•Scholar Athlete</p>
<p>one of my friends got accepted today. Nothing special as far as stats… 28 ACT, 4.0 umich gpa, not a good writer so I assume essays weren’t that good. No legacy or anything and not many extracurriculars. He submitted his application on October 23.</p>