IMPORTANT question and also fun chances plz!

<p>Chance me</p>

U of MICH-

<p>UW GPA: 3.857
W GPA: 4.9</p>

<p>live in south Carolina</p>

<p>SAT I-2150
W-720 - 11 essay

US hist- 750</p>

<p>Class rank- 12 out of 240- top 5%</p>

<p>ethnicity- persian</p>

<p>AP's- 3 world history, 5 statistics, 4 computer science, 5 AB calculus, 5 bc calculus, 3 english, 5 psych, 5 physics, 4 us history</p>

<p>IB's- dont know yet</p>

FRESHMAN- English 2 honors, Precal honors, AP World, Spanish 1 cp(didnt offer honors), Biology honors, Physical Science honors, PE(required)
SOPHOMORE- English 3 honors, AP AB calc, AP stats, AP compsci, Chemistry honors, Gov/econ Honors, Spanish 2 cp(didnt offer honors)
JUNIOR- IB Chem, IB Spanish, AP physics c, AP BC calc, AP US hist, IB Design, AP English
SENIOR- IB Theory of Kno, IB math HL, AP psych, IB english HL, IB spanish SL, AP/IB physics E&M SL, IB design HL</p>

played as a starter on the tennis team for all four years, team captain for 2 years, mvp sophomore year, mvp junior year, mvp senior year, all region all four years, ranked top 40 in state</p>

<p>forensics active member- national qualifier junior year</p>

<p>cross country- freshman year, junior year, senior year</p>

<p>student council- freshman class vice president, member at large sophomore year, junior class vice president</p>

<p>red cross member</p>

<p>active member of forensics team all four years</p>

<p>national honors society member</p>

<p>ap scholar with distinciton</p>

<p>community service 100 hours</p>

<p>student of the month two years</p>

<p>IB Diploma canidate</p>

would the number of applications to lets say UPENN wharton from the same school affect the chances that the students would be accepted in other words- if a person applys to the same school u are applying to and he has better stats then would that decrease your chance to get in?</p>

<p>Based on your stats, you’ll be fine for Berkeley.</p>

<p>Based on your question, I’m not so sure…</p>

<p>“if a person applys to the same school u are applying to and he has better stats then would that decrease your chance to get in?”</p>

<p>uhh… yes?</p>

<p>just curious, predicted IB grades?</p>

<p>Math-5 english-4 Psych-6 or 7 Design-7 Spanish-4 physics -5 or 6</p>

<p>bump anyone?</p>



<p>Let n = number of Wharton seats available = %
Let -x = applicants with better stats than you = -1
Let y = you = 1</p>

<p>then your chances of getting in can be expressed as:
n = x + y</p>

<p>i.e., if Wharton had 1 open seat and and you and another candidate who has superior stats applied, then you chances of getting admitted is 0%</p>

<p>Same scenario as above but only n=2. Then you will have 100% chance of getting in.</p>

<p>What I am saying is that your chances of getting admitted will decrease whenever anyone applies with better stats (all else equal). It doesn’t really matter what school they come from.</p>




<p>Stop bumping your thread. Your question was already answered.</p>

<p>no it hasnt -.- and need more opinions</p>

<p>Yes it has. Tax Bear answered it. As for more opinions, you’ve had FOUR previous chance threads on this forum:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>View all post is great isn’t it?</p>

<p>Aztennisplay1 post this identical thread in all of the schools in his OP and he got plenty of opinions.</p>

<p>What he and all the others who post chance threads here do not realize is that our opinions means nothing. It may be comforting to hear someone say you’ll get in, but admission to the top schools is so unpredictable. The best advice is to get the best scores you can, write an awesome essay, and hope you are lucky.</p>

<p>The OP is persistent, but I think his energy would be better spent revising his drafts or studying. As far as your question goes, it is rather silly and the answer is obvious. </p>



<p>All else equal, your chances will decrease each time someone puts in an application at the same school with better stats. I have to seriously question your analytical abilities if you could not figure this out on your own.</p>