important question

<p>I am currently signed up to take the SAT II for Math II and World History, however I need to take one more. Will colleges that require 3 allow an applicant to take both US History and World History or do all the subjects have to differ?</p>

<p>I know they don’t let you take math level II and math Level I for 2 different subjects but I’m not sure if that applies for history. If you’re not applying for a history major though it looks weird. Colleges want to see a variety of subject test areas, ESPECIALLY the ones that require 3.</p>

<p>US and World are counted separately</p>

<p>However, I agree with ADH that you should diversify</p>

<p>Only diversify if you have scores to do so. 750 in USH >>> 750 in <insert science=“” here=“”></insert></p>