IMSA CO 2027 applicant forum!

Hi everyone, I’m a current freshman in high school looking to apply as a CO 2027 member at IMSA! I created this forum for anyone else who is also interested in applying, anyone who has already experienced the IMSA admissions process/has some insight regarding it, and anyone who has/is attending IMSA. This is a great place to discuss stats, as well as any questions we may have about IMSA or the application.

Also, something to keep in mind: Remember when sharing any information (particularly stats and demographics) try to keep it a little vague and avoid including a lot of details that will make yourself easily identifiable. We want to keep everyone here safe :))))

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I’m gonna start off with some questions I have and stats about myself!

Hey everyone, you can call me Mags! I’m a freshman at a suburban public high school in Illinois. I am most interested in science (specifically biology), but I also love math and robotics. My GPA within the last two years has ranged from a 3.9-4.0. I take the honors track, so I am taking the hardest classes offered to freshman at my school. My current math class is Algebra 2 Trig honors and my science class is Chemistry honors. I am very involved in extracurriculars, but the most significant include STEM club, math team, robotics team, band, JV tennis, swim team, key club, model UN, and youth group (through my church). I have received a number of awards both STEM and non STEM related. Lastly, I have participated in a number of IMSA programs and events. I have gone to a math competition hosted by IMSA, 2 hour tour, summer@IMSA, and I am doing the IMSA RISE program currently. (Also, I don’t have SAT scores to report as of right now, so I’m not sure how good those will be.)

Based on some of my stats, what do you think my chances are of getting in?

Is there any I should be doing differently to help boost my application?

What is an ideal SAT score?

I have over 10 other extra curriculars other than the ones I listed above that I am currently participating in/have participated in within the past 3 years (I also do piano, scholastic bowl, etc) and I don’t have enough room to list them out on the application, how do I narrow it down to the best ones?

What is a good way to keep essays free from clichés and as vibrant and interesting as possible?

Thank you everyone! :slight_smile:

What’s IMSA?

IMSA, short for Illinois Math and Science Academy, is a public boarding school that specializes in STEM education. It is a 3 year, high school that you can apply to as an 8th or 9th grader. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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I see they are now accepting out of state students who are willing to pay $54k in tuition. Sounds like they are having budget issues. Kind of like what U of I had done with all the foreign nationals who pay more. IMSA claims it will not take the spot of Illinois residents. Why not just just expand enrollment for in state. Obvious money grab.

very high. SAT should be at least a 1300. An ideal score would be a 1350. Choose activities in which you have gained leadership positions or awards related to STEM.
For essays, focus on you as a person, and try to make your responses creative compared to other applicants.

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Awesome, thanks for the feedback.

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