<p>Sorry about the frequent posts, but anyways...</p>
<p>Im in a bit of a dilema. Im 100 percent sure Id like to double major in CS and ECE. Thus, I was a little confused as to which school I should check off on the enrollment form. After calling a counselor, I was told that for the time being I'd have to concentrate on one major, and later on I'd be able to declare a double major... Which brings me to the problem: which school to select as a primary major? I have always consdered comp/elec engineering as my first choice, but since SCS seems to be a difficult school to get into, would it make sense to lose my spot there? Would it be just as hard to get into ECE after some time? Any feedback would be very much appreciated.</p>
<p>If I were you, I would pick SCS and then do a dual degree in ECE. That's actually what I'm doing. It's not that hard to set up a double major/dual degree in ECE from SCS if you just talk to the right people in CIT. Being in SCS affords you more freedom in course selection, and since it's harder to get into, you'll tend to get a bit more respect from professors and companies that you want to work with. If you get here and you decide you really don't want to do CS, it's easy enough to transfer into CIT.</p>
<p>I agree with saber. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I assume most of the acceptees have AP credit (I have bunches, IMHO, and was waitlisted, but its not a factor, so....). Double major doesn't sound too hard for me, nor does dual degree (I have a potential 84 credits or so, about half of them dependent on this year's exams). Plus, if you decide to double major, you would be getting your degree from SCS with a little ECE tagline, as opposed to vice-versa.</p>