<p>As fully expected, as an international with no expertise just giving it a shot, i was rejected by all the colleges i applied to transfer to (all Ivy League). While trying not to dwell on the question of whether i would have bothered if id known the true statistics back then, I was wondering how all my effort will affect my chances when it comes to grad school applications.</p>
<p>Will the fact that ive shown previous interest in these schools be taken into account later on? Assuming, as planned, i get a top degree and continue with all the activities that i thought made my transfer apps interesting.</p>
<p>Although it would be great to hear how i haven't totally wasted my time, please be honest.</p>
<p>lol, grad school adcoms won't know that you applied for undergraduate admission to the college. They are completely seperate divisions.
Is that what you're asking?</p>
<p>i didn't think that all the systems linked up but just that maybe (like on the transfer app) there would be a section asking if you'd applied before. or if not then whether it would be something worth mentioning in one of the essays.</p>
<p>so i wasn't wondering if they would notice of their own accord but that if i was to make a point of it, whether they would care.</p>
<p>I've been sort of wondering that too, and also wondering if the schools that I turned down will remember/care in the case that either of my two younger siblings decides to apply there as freshmen, since they usually ask you to list names and ages of your siblings on applications.</p>
<p>Don't worry guys. They do not know nor do they care.</p>
<p>Jello: They usually ask that just to get a better background of you, i.e. single child, siblings went to what university, etc (also for fin aid)</p>
<p>The only thing they bother or care to check on their records are people who claim legacies.</p>