In college right now..too late for nursing?

<p>I will actually be a senior at a university this upcoming Fall.
Is it too late to become a RN? After I graduate, what can I do? An associate degree in nursing? So an ASN? Is an ASN something that you can do after you complete a college degree?
I am majoring in biology right now, so I have pretty much taken all of the prerequisites. It’s just too late to apply to a nursing program, since it will be my 4th year this upcoming Fall.
What are my options right now, as it is too late to change my major in college.
Also, what are some classes that are recommended for me to take right now? Philosophy, history, sociology, etc. classes? I’ve already taken some psychology classes.
Thank you!</p>

<p>Some schools offer an accelerated BSN for students who already have a bachelor’s degree. Off the top of my head, Duke is one school that does this, and doesn’t have any other type of nursing students. </p>

<p>Also, many nursing schools you have to reapply to during your sophomore year to complete the clinical part of the curriculum in your last two years. You could apply to any of those schools to do those two years and you would have a BSN. I know someone who is currently at Hopkins for a BSN who already had a BS from UMCP.</p>

<p>Also, most nursing pre-reqs include anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and statistics plus an intro psych and intro sociology course.</p>

<p>You may also be able to do an MSN as a biology graduate. Vanderbilt is one you could look at for that. I’m sure there are others. Think of possible schools and dig around for options. It may be quite time consuming (but worth it!).</p>

<p>Yep. Everything Greenwitch said and for now do some volunteering at a hospital or nursing home. It’ll show you’re interested in nursing so you can get into the program (it’s pretty competitive to get in) and so that you can get a feel of what to expect.</p>

<p>Found a link of accelerated programs to consider</p>

<p>[Second</a> Degree BSN Programs | Find Second Degree BSN Schools and Programs on All Nursing Schools](<a href=“]Second”>What Is a BSN? (Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Guide))</p>