<p>hi everyone. hopefully i could get some advice here, because i really don't know what to do.</p>
<p>for some background, when i was little, i had SUCH a hard time focusing. my dad is an immigrant who also happens to be a math genius, so he would literally make me do math problems every day in the summers until i was crying all of the time. <em>sigh</em>. anyways, i basically was always bad at math, then got better for a while, then in the beginning of high school things got really bad. & not just math...in everything. i started having so much difficulty in bio & history too, with all of the assigned reading. & the fact that i'm in all honors/ap classes never helped either.</p>
<p>i got so depressed b/c i would literally study for everything hours on end, & my grades would just get worse. my dad kept telling to 'study better, not longer', which makes sense, but i could never do it. he also told me that i probably 'think differently' b/c he had a learning problem when he was younger, & i might too [um, did i mention he's a math genius? yeah, that helped my self-esteem. not.]</p>
<p>& not to make myself into a total hypochondriac [lol], but after dong some research on ADD, everything seems to fit SO well, even though it's kind of confusing with all of the different sub-categories. but some symptoms:feeling tired & sluggish all of the time/harder u try, harder u fail/inability to focus. then it just got eerie with mention of bad handwriting in girls [my friends make fun of my handwriting cause i'm kind of ocd about it, & it's still ugly, lol.], nervousness [check], short fuse [check], etc., etc.</p>
<p>to this day [i'm a junior, btw] i get SO distracted when i try to study & i'm still wasting my life away either studying or procrastinating studying, with no improvements. actually, i now have a D in apbio, which is definitely the lowest of my lows :( i find myself reading half a sentence & getting up to go to my computer! [is that normal??]</p>
<p>& i feel like my parents won't take me seriously if i ask to go to the doctor. i mean, are there even any tests to know for SURE if u have ADD? i fell like i could potentially benefit from taking meds [GPA:3.3-ish but my SAT:2020], but i don't even want to think about my parents' reaction to that...:/ </p>
<p>whoa, if u read this, thanks for reading my novel! haha.</p>