In-State Tuition for a Child of California Resident

<p>Hello, I am a high school senior who lives in Michigan. My parents live in different states (though not legally separated): my mom lives in Michigan (my brother and I live with her) and my dad lives in California. My dad has been living in California for the past 5 years or so.</p>

<p>I have come across this tuition exemption on the UCLA website:</p>

<p>UCLA</a> Registrar's Office: Residence for Tuition Purposes--Exemptions and Waivers</p>

<p>Would I be eligible for the exemption titled: Dependent child of a California resident ? My dad has listed my brother and I as dependents on his taxes.</p>

<p>I have always wanted to attend school in California, but due to finance issues I would not be able to afford UCLA or UC Berkeley (the two UC schools I applied to) if I paid out of state tuition.</p>

<p>Has anyone ever gotten/ heard of someone with this exemption? And do you guys think I can get it?</p>


<p>i think that would be exactly what you fall under.</p>

<p>it’s saying that you are the dependent of your dad, and that your dad has lived in CA for at least one year. you would then get a waiver until you have lived in CA long enough to be a resident yourself. </p>

<p>this clause would not be applied if you were an adult living outside of CA for over a year.</p>

<p>so, my interpretation is yes. however, i’d call the admissions office, explain your situation, and have them verify that this is the case. i see no reason why it shouldn’t.</p>

<p>I turned 18 in late december though, so I may legally be considered an adult, even though I am still a high school student dependent on my parents. Do you think that will affect my ability to get the exemption?</p>

<p>Also another note: my dad is the one who will help me pay for college, my mom isn’t going to contribute a cent (she cant, lost job and has to support my brother’s college), I don’t know if this will affect it in any way.</p>

<p>Thanks for the comment.</p>

<p>that’s why asking admissions directly would clear all this up. even if they consider 18 adult, though, you won’t have been living outside of CA for an entire year before coming here. </p>

<p>who pays shouldn’t matter, you’re your dad’s dependent and that’s that.</p>

<p>again, i don’t foresee issues, but contact admissions! ask them what the process is to make sure you get the waiver- even if you qualify, that doesn’t mean it will happen automatically.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ll denfinitely contact them. But should I do it now, or wait until after I am admitted to do so?</p>

<p>I would ask now, it will give you more time to make your decision when the time comes. Logically you should be able to get in state tuition since your dad pays taxes to the state of California.</p>

<p>You will qualify for the exemption.</p>

<p>talk to admissions, like you’ve been advised. The web page says the following, which makes it sound ok provided you move here before you’ve been 18 a whole year


<p>Alright, thanks guys. Ill call them as soon as I can. I just hope they dont think I am trying to cheat them or anything (with the whole budget cuts and w/e, I feel that they want/need every penny) although the truth is the only way I can afford UCLA/UC Berkeley is if I get in-state tuition.</p>

<p>And also, it just sounds too good to be true.</p>