Hi, I am a student who is going to be graduating from a Texas public high school and has been living in Texas for the past 2 years. However, I am not American citizen and doesn’t have green card and I am holding J2 Visa(I am classified as international student). I think I only have to pay the in-state tuition because I saw this paragraph:
"Determination of Residence Status for In-State Tuition
A. The following persons shall be classified as Texas residents and entitled to pay resident tuition:
- a person who:
a. graduated from a public or accredited private high school in this state or received the equivalent of a highschool diploma in this state, and
b. maintained a residence continuously in this state for
(i) the thirty-six months immediately preceding the date of graduation or receipt of the diploma equivalent, as applicable; and
(ii) the 12 months preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution
(Note 1: An individual who is neither a US citizen, nor permanent resident must complete and submit the Residency Affidavit.)
(Note 2: F-1 (student) visa holders are specifically ineligible for this provision.) "
on http://www.admissions.txstate.edu/future/residency/residencyrequirements.html
Can someone tell me if I comprehend this paragraph correctly?