In the ridiculous position of having to choose between H, Y, and P

<p>I have been accepted to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. It has hardly sunk in and I feel like I'm living a dream. But I only have one month to figure out where to go. Now, I need to make my choice between the three. I'm going to visit each one's preview weekend. But I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about turning two of these schools down. I'm so fortunate to get into HYP in this crazy admissions year, but now choosing which to attend is going to be a nightmare. How does one refuse an offer from such amazing schools as these? Can someone please advise me from previous experience? I am hoping that when I visit campus as a prefrosh (I have visited all three as a junior) something will just 'click' at the school that is right for me, but what if that click does not happen? I feel like I'm on the verge of making the most important decision in my life - I really, really don't want to screw up.</p>

<p>.....APRIL FOOLS!</p>

<p>Just kidding. Obviously they are all prestigious so just pick the one you prefer aesthetically or based on whatever you want. Congrats! :D</p>

<p>i'm a junior, so i can't really help you, but i know for me food and dorms would be a factor. just sayin'. i could not survive on burgers and pizza everyday. if it really came down to the line for me the food would probably make or break my decision. </p>

<p>congrats and good luck !!!</p>

<p>Not sure whether or not this is an April's fool thread, but, under the assumption that the OP's position is serious, it should be relatively easy to decide among Harvard, Yale & Princeton based on your intended major and the schools' campus cultures. Yale is urban & more liberal than the other two schools. Princeton is probably the most conservative and, along with Yale, the most focused on undergraduates. Princeton does not accept transfers & does not have, to my knowledge, a summer session open to students from other colleges & universities. Harvard & Yale have more graduate students than does Princeton. What do you intend to study? Are you conservative, moderate or liberal? Does the social & political climate matter to you?</p>

<p>what are your academic interests?</p>

<p>Hey girlintransition,</p>

<p>Congrats on your college acceptance success :D. I could tell you what I would do (Harvard - cuz its most prestigious and right outside Boston), but you no that no matter what people tell you, in the end, the choice is yours and I'm guessing that it really doesn't matter what others think.</p>

<p>Oh btw, I would love to have that sick feeling in my stomach. XP</p>

<p>Reject all three and go to Michigan! At least you will have a great story to tell your grand kids...</p>

<p>...APRIL FOOLS!!!</p>

<p>I'd choose Princeton. Honestly.</p>

<p>harvard, just to act all cool</p>

<p>but I really do like yale</p>

<p>i've toured all three..</p>

<p>harvard = pretentious jerks
yale = nice campus, tour guide was nice.. kind of boring
princeton = best campus of all three.. and weekend trips to NYC are nice</p>

<p>if we're going by looks, princeton</p>

<p>no matter what u'll end up chosing harvard
source: experience</p>

<p>Girl in T - If finances are at all significant for you, you may have some grounds to make a choice once the Harvard aid award letter arrives. My D is accepted to H and Y, but Y would be $28K more that what I anticipate H will be. If you're not in that situation, then you'll probably get a "click" when you visit. One thing to consider is that the residential college logistics are different at each - four-year RC affiliation at Y, freshman year on the Old Yard at H, then a three-year affiliation with a RC, and at P a lot of the students are disconnected from their RC after the first two years. Also, the P campus is a traditional campus enclave with clear boundaries, Y is a little more integrated with downtown New Haven, and H is mixed in, among and around a large area of Cambridge. But that said, there's probably far more that those three schools have in common than in difference.</p>

<p>Donn't want something semi-rural? Chuck Princeton. Don't want something urban? Chuck H and Y. That narrows it down a bit. :)</p>