<p>I already applied ED to CALS and am aware of the fact that these threads are useless and that I will not obtain any useful information from this since no one here is really qualified to comment on my chances. However, I still believe it would be interesting to see what other people think of my prospects. With that being said, this will not be a normal chances thread. Instead of asking for my chances (which I believe is too ambiguous), I would like everyone interested in commenting to respond with either a yes or no and provide reasons if necessary. Please be as honest as possible and thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Applying to CALS (Biological Sciences)</p>
<p>Location: NY</p>
<p>Asian Male</p>
<p>Uweighted GPA: ~3.85, straight As in everything except math (Bs in all 3 years)</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: ~4.9 (Weird system; the max is 5.3 but I was forced to take 6 lower level classes, so my max is maybe around 5-5.1)</p>
<p>Rank: School doesn't officially rank but based on what my counselor told me, I'm at the 7-8th percentile</p>
<p>Graduating Class Size: 645</p>
<p>4 A.Ps since 9th grade (World History (5), American History (5), English Language (5), and Calc AB (4)), the rest are mostly honors courses.</p>
<p>Standardized Test Scores:</p>
<p>ACT: 35 composite (10 Essay)</p>
<p>SAT I: 2190, 1 sitting (690CR, 780M, 720W, 10 Essay)
SAT IIs: Biology (710), Math I(740), US History (760)
(I didn't send my SAT scores)</p>
<p>ECs/Awards: Somewhat sparse; Internship at Brookhaven national lab (Diffraction Enhanced X-ray Imaging), ~150 hours of volunteering at a local hospital, youth group leader at church, varsity tennis, piano, membership in some clubs (FBLA, Spanish Honor Society), etc. I recently made the Science Bowl team but it was too late to put it on my application. Also, I have virtually no significant awards/honors. (I would be more optimistic about my chances if these were stronger, but it's too late to do anything about it)</p>
<p>Teacher Recs: Should be fairly excellent
Counselor Rec: Mediocre/Good (I'm hoping that he explained about my transfer to the school in 9th grade and the fact that I was forced to take lower level classes which screwed up my GPA and ranking)</p>
<p>Essays: Common app essay was excellent, supplement essay was above average at best. However, I believe I demonstrated an interest in Bio and had shown that I fit in at CALS.</p>