In your opinion, am I in or not?

<p>I already applied ED to CALS and am aware of the fact that these threads are useless and that I will not obtain any useful information from this since no one here is really qualified to comment on my chances. However, I still believe it would be interesting to see what other people think of my prospects. With that being said, this will not be a normal chances thread. Instead of asking for my chances (which I believe is too ambiguous), I would like everyone interested in commenting to respond with either a yes or no and provide reasons if necessary. Please be as honest as possible and thanks in advance.</p>


<p>Applying to CALS (Biological Sciences)</p>

<p>Location: NY</p>

<p>Asian Male</p>

<p>Uweighted GPA: ~3.85, straight As in everything except math (Bs in all 3 years)</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: ~4.9 (Weird system; the max is 5.3 but I was forced to take 6 lower level classes, so my max is maybe around 5-5.1)</p>

<p>Rank: School doesn't officially rank but based on what my counselor told me, I'm at the 7-8th percentile</p>

<p>Graduating Class Size: 645</p>

<p>4 A.Ps since 9th grade (World History (5), American History (5), English Language (5), and Calc AB (4)), the rest are mostly honors courses.</p>

<p>Standardized Test Scores:</p>

<p>ACT: 35 composite (10 Essay)</p>

<p>SAT I: 2190, 1 sitting (690CR, 780M, 720W, 10 Essay)
SAT IIs: Biology (710), Math I(740), US History (760)
(I didn't send my SAT scores)</p>

<p>ECs/Awards: Somewhat sparse; Internship at Brookhaven national lab (Diffraction Enhanced X-ray Imaging), ~150 hours of volunteering at a local hospital, youth group leader at church, varsity tennis, piano, membership in some clubs (FBLA, Spanish Honor Society), etc. I recently made the Science Bowl team but it was too late to put it on my application. Also, I have virtually no significant awards/honors. (I would be more optimistic about my chances if these were stronger, but it's too late to do anything about it)</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: Should be fairly excellent
Counselor Rec: Mediocre/Good (I'm hoping that he explained about my transfer to the school in 9th grade and the fact that I was forced to take lower level classes which screwed up my GPA and ranking)</p>

<p>Essays: Common app essay was excellent, supplement essay was above average at best. However, I believe I demonstrated an interest in Bio and had shown that I fit in at CALS.</p>

<p>Well.. I dont know how many AP/IB courses your school offers, but just 4 APs might be a lil bit weak (I'm taking 9 in 2 years -_-)</p>

<p>I think you have a fair chance, since you had decent AP test grades, decent SAT II grades, GPA, rank, and stellar SAT scores (I didnt beat you there -_-)</p>


<p>umm..don't you have to send SAT II scores for CALS?</p>

<p>it's recommended, but not "required"</p>

<p>Just to clarify:
I completed 4 AP classes in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade. I am currently taking 5 APs in my senior year (Bio, Comparative Government, Spanish, Stats, English Lit) which would bring the total number of APs to 9 if we are to take into account senior year. My school does not offer IB courses (I wish it did). There were only 2 APs that I was not able to take (Psychology and Physics), one was due to scheduling conflicts and the other was because the class was at capacity and my school was too cheap to pay the teacher to teach another period for the dozen or so students that were booted out of the class.</p>

<p>Yousonofatree- CALS does not require SAT IIs (In fact, I think it's the only college in Cornell that doesn't)</p>

<p>u ll get in....90 percent chances</p>


<p>Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge to do that :)</p>

<p>LOL At first I was like what the heck?!! But then i got it :D</p>