IN YOUR OPINION - What are the least stressful and most fun Nursing Specialties?

Just curious!

I’m interested in becoming a Nurse ( getting my BSN ), And eventually specializing in something particular.

As of now, a Hospice Nurse, CRNA, and Nurse Researcher sound the most in-tune with my interests, but I’d like to look in to other, possibly less stressful, options.


The nice thing is - you don’t need to decide now. You will be required to take coursework and do clinicals in all fields of nursing. You then can hopefully decide which areas interest you most, and target those jobs for your applications. After you get your BSN, you probably will want to wait a couple years at least before you dig into serious additional studies. You may also need to work for a while before you are eligible for tuition reimbursement from your employer.
You don’t necessarily need advanced degrees, but can get certifications in your desired field.

How is hospice anything near “less stressful”??

I believe most RNs work inside hospitals or surgery centers. Most RNs start out working in hospitals in any case. The nursing homes, doctors offices and hospices probably use few RNs, and instead mainly hire lower skilled persons.

Some of the most stressful positions are in hospitals that do not hire enough nurses.