Income tax return has a misspelled name for my father

Hello guys!

So I’m an international student and I applied for 18/19 colleges this year. I submitted my CSS profile and my income tax documents via IDOC to a few colleges. I realized that my father’s name is misspelled in the income tax document (different to his official name what i submitted in my common app and CSS profile). How big of a problem is it? Will I get rejected from colleges because of this issue? I’m very scared.

Not a problem assuming the misspelling is close to the actual

I doubt this is an admissions issue. You might want to just clarify with the financial aid department.

If there is a way to match his tax documents with your application, it shouldn’t be a problem. In the US, they’d use the Social Security number from the app to the tax return. Do you have a system like that in your country?

I can prove it because the identity number is the same, but the thing is they haven’t asked for any identity number. They just asked his name. My only worry is that what if i get rejected from everywhere because of this and i never find out :frowning:

If the tax docs were submitted for FA, contact the office and let them know. You can ask if they have all the docs they need, and if they do not, send an email or some notification like “I submitted my father’s tax documents on XXX. In my application, I listed his name as John Smith Jones, but he filed his tax documents as John S. J. Brown. Please let me know if you have any questions or I can provide more information.”

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