Incoming Freshman interested in Goizeueta School of Business

Hi. I just got in ED to Emory and would like to attend Goizeueta. I know that you cannot apply until at least the end of your sophomore year and I know that there are required courses that you have to take in order to be considered.

If I put down that I am interetested in business on my application, will I be enrolled in some of these pre-requesites by default or do I have to wait until the end of my first semester and then register for them??

Thank you

@joctavis : YOU enroll in whatever classes you want regardless of what you put on the application

Congrats! Your advisor will work with you to make sure you have all the pre-reqs you need to enter the business program.

Everything is online if you want to see for yourself and you will still need to meet the Gen Ed requirements, so your first semester at Emory College won’t be much different from other freshmen.

Looking at this, they haven’t changed much in 35 years and I feel old.

Congratulations and enjoy.