<p>Hi, </p>
<p>So I was ill, and it looks like I may be taking an incomplete before semester's end. Otherwise, my GPA more than qualifies me for Dean's List. I've read the college website, and it states that if you take an incomplete, you are ineligible for Dean's List for the term. Is there any way to circumvent this if you have a legitimate medical reason?</p>
<p>Thanks :(</p>
<p>ask the college office, but i would think not</p>
<p>not to say you don’t deserve the dean’s list honor, but it’s not exactly fair to award it to you when you haven’t finished coursework in the term for which you’re being honored… regardless of the reason</p>
<p>though, as the dean’s list is a year thing, not a semester thing, perhaps they’ll be willing to overlook it if the incomplete is converted quickly in the spring?</p>
<p>I guess it’s not exactly fair… but I also suppose it isn’t exactly fair that I got sick either lol.</p>