<p>So we're working on senior year scheduling right now, and I don't know whether I should take independent study or take another AP class. Independent study is when you have exhausted the curriculum of that one subject area, and you take private classes with a teacher for one hour. </p>
<p>Does anyone know which universities weigh higher? I still have 1.5 hours to fill, and any input is appreciated :)</p>
<p>I think colleges would prefer the independent study. It shows that your willing to go so much more above and beyound–enough to create your own curriculum–in a particular area. Yah an AP class will raise your gpa, but a friend just had an interview and the person was sooooo impressed with her mythology indepedent study she’s doing with and english teacher. Plus–independent studies are so much fun!</p>
<p>If you don’t have any APs or only have one, I’d suggest doing the AP, because they’ll see that you’re a student with “some APs” which is always a good thing. If you’re the kind of person who’s already done / doing a few APs, though, an independent study might be better. Of course, if you have a subject you really want to learn about, I’d say to do the IS either way - I’m a senior with an independent study in music theory this year (myschool has no classes for it), and I love it. Make sure you get a chill teacher!</p>
<p>Independent Study. For sure.<br>
People at my school at least, have had great success with these. I’m currently doing my first I.S. and I am lovingg it. I’m learning so much, and feel accomplished when I complete work. I would highly recommend doing one, especially because it shows colleges you are a determined student who is willing to go above and beyond and challenge yourself. Good Luck! :)</p>
<p>My school doesn’t offer IS from what I know (maybe I’m misinformed?), but what colleges are looking for does depend where your looking at and what your classes look like so far. </p>
<p>If you’ve worked your way through the rest of the classes and plan on going further on your own, it will probably look great in the eyes of colleges that see you more as a person. Huge colleges tend to (as much as they adamantly deny it) see students more as numbers than anything else. </p>
<p>“Just another AP” may not look too great though if it’s some random AP that your taking just for the GPA boost though. If the college bothers to look through how your past schedule compares to that class and it’s totally out there, it’s kind of obvious what your trying to do. For example, I know someone who’s got a very strong interest in literature. They’re in AP English and all that, but beyond that they’ve got a pretty average schedule and are taking some easy classes like “sports marketing”. However out of the blue, with no other arts they are taking AP art history just to have another AP on their list. I don’t actually know if it matters to colleges if your taking an “easy AP” just for the sake of it being an AP, but you may want to avoid it if you can. but then again, GPA is GPA.</p>
<p>It’s harder to prove the efforts in an IS, because at a lot of schools it is an easy course. AP is standardized through tests and certification…AP if you can!</p>
<p>Physics C AP
Calc BC AP
Bio AP
English 12 (lit, I think) AP
Debate II (half year)</p>
AP Gov (half year)
AP Stats (if it’s going to be offered at our school next year)
Independent Study: Advanced Macroeconomics
Independent Study: English/ Argumentation/ Debate (something along those lines)
Jazz Band (could be half year OR full year)</p>
<p>My school does not allow students to take independent study because they claim they would then have to pay that teacher like they were teaching another full class which is about the most irritating thing.</p>
<p>You could always call up a college and ask them about it.</p>
<p>And out of your list, I think the independent study on Macro would be the coolest. You could even write a college essay about it if it ended up being really interesting.</p>
<p>If you are really interested in economics and would like to learn more, then go with the IS. It will demonstrate your passion for the subject. If you just trying to figure out how to impress the adcoms, it won’t matter much either way. Your AP schedule is strong enough that you could afford to take neither and take a class that you would really like to take. In essence, do what you would really enjoy doing and I don’t think you will go wrong.</p>