Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

In less than 3 weeks from completion date… woohooo! Congrats!

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Out of state, NJ. Pre- business. Now awaiting the Kelley decision.

Sorry, I was off by a few days. I just remembered from past weeks seeing that our kids’ timing was similar. My son submitted 9/14 and it was complete on 9/30. I really think it might just take longer for the students with stats that are more in the bottom to middle of the range that they accept. If being accepted means waiting a little longer for them to be sure, then we can be patient. :smiling_face:

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It seems as if most admits we’re hearing about are pre-business. The college/major may have something to do with it….or it could be the kids with higher GPAs hearing first….or any number of things really! I agree that good things are worth waiting for :blush:


In-state son just was accepted for neuroscience today with application completed 10/11. Congrats to others and best of luck to those still waiting!


My son is going nuts not hearing. Does anyone know how late in the evening they send out decisions?

Yep! I am happy to have her wait a but…. Her degree is small program. 61 graduates in 2022 for Apparel Merchandising. Granted my nephew did game design and I think it was like 11 graduates in 2022.
I just would love both my kids in same state for school so much fun. The tuition isn’t for OOS but it is what it is.

Bit not but

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Keep the faith but know you’ll have a great path whether at IU or elsewhere.

You didn’t get the message. No smart kids are allowed to leave Florida :). It’s just too good a deal financially !!

Yep it is but too bad only two schools offer her degree - Lynn and one art school in Miami

My son wanted Purdue for engineering so could not blame him for that- the opportunities Purdue provides is top notch for him.

And my parents love having him a little over an hour away. He went to visit them this past Saturday for lunch for my moms birthday since no there Wasn’t a football game

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DS/OOS admitted tonight! Waiting to hear back about Kelley School of Business.


Admitted to Pre-Informatics today. Submitted 9/30. Application complete email was sent on 10/20.


wow! That was quick! Congrats!


How long usually until students receive an email for the portal? It has been 2 days and no information yet.

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DD admitted last night via portal - COAS/Psychology. Applied in August, but high school was slow submitting transcripts, so not complete until 9/20.

Good luck everyone!




That’s my sons major. What was his gpa? He submitted everything by 9/20 as well. Still haven’t heard anything.

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It took 2 weeks for my son to get log in email.

Almost 2 weeks for us