Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Sure! 3.75 gpa, test optional.

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Similar here and we did test optional too. App complete date was 10/10. Hoping!!

Son accepted Pre-Business today 11/8, submitted app 10/16 - no email, just a status update in portal. Now waiting on Kelley.


Daughter accepted to IU, pre-business. Submitted app on 10/24, completed -10/26. Yoohoo. Thrilled.


@Kabby20, App completion date?

10/22 app complete

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Wow that was fast turn around. I feel like since business school has the most apps, the admission counselor are knocking those out. Haha.


Nothing here and we go tomorrow for a tour :woman_facepalming:t2: App complete 9/21.

Anybody admitted directly to Kelley yet?

Direct Admits to Kelley usually hear 4-6 weeks after IU admission. The first IU admittances were reported on 10/18. Hence I suspect we will hear about the first DAs by the end of next week.


In the portal, the application essay was still missing a check mark. He uploaded the essay and he received confirmation email that the application essay was completed. He applied with common app and saw that the writing supplement in the common app had been downloaded by the college though, which is why itā€™s strange that he needed to upload again.

I am sorry I donā€™t understand, can you explain, so at the beginning your daughter was admitted but not direct to her major? Did the portal show that? How do you know to wait for more weeks for direct admit?

My son is out of state Sports Marketing and Management major. Applied on 8/4, downloaded by school on 8/15 and considered complete on 9/22. Have not heard anything. Under application status it just says ā€œapplicantā€ He went test optional and has a GPA 3.7.

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Some of the schools within IU have a pre division or direct admit. The school of business is this way. For a direct admit into the business school it requires certain GPA etc. If you are not a direct admit then you are pre Division and apply at end of freshman year I believe into the business school. In order to get admitted to business school you have to have a certain GPA etc to be admitted. L

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I applied to IUB and chose Finance BSB as major on 10/30, and created my account today, where do I submit the review request for direct admission for Kelley, because I have a 4.81 gpa and applying test-optional. Deadlines I should be waiting for?

Please see the following

I looked through it and Iā€™m still a bit confused.

Please see Step 3.

ā€œFill out a review request to be considered for Kelley direct admission. The request will autofill your GPA and test score (if applicable), and allow Kelley to access your transcripts. You will be asked to answer one question in 250 words: What has been your most significant achievement in the past three years?ā€

Please click on Complete Review Request button. It will take you to the one.IU login page. Login using your credentials and it should open up the Kelley Petition review page. You will need to answer two questions - one given above and the other about any information that may be helpful for petition process (why low GPA, family responsibilities etc). Itā€™s a simple process that will take 15min to complete if your answers are ready. You should receive an email from once you have submitted the Kelley petition. The subject line reads ā€œDirect Admission Review Request Form Confirmationā€

The waiting is so hard. Hang in!

My D23 just got accepted! No email but when she went to her portal her status said ā€œadmitted.ā€ Her application was complete on 10/24 - sheā€™s arts & science - cognitive science.