Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I don’t know if they fixed it but the issue b4 for SSA was you needed a rec.

Since they don’t take recs for the Common App application, those are wasted at IU.

Hopefully they fixed that where you can use your Common App recs vs asking teachers to do them again in hopes of getting more $$. My daughter decided not to and ultimately removed IU, not for this reason but it left a bad taste.

Hopefully they’ve fixed that.

My son also was admitted to HHC and his SSA is for a Hutton Honors College scholarship. Have not seen anything about recommendations, but will check again in case we missed something. Thanks.

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Hopefully they fixed that - it was a big disconnect - because you didn’t submit a rec for the school and they wanted a rec later.

Good for you all - that they cured it.

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I have 2 who applied and accepted to IU this year. Same major Business. Both direct admits. Only one got the invite for SSA. Both were TO and OOS.


By the way, does anyone have an idea of what type of merit aid Indiana typically awards? I have to assume that being admitted to the honors college and invited to apply through the SSA are good signs, but I have no idea where IU falls within the merit aid spectrum.

My son got $10,300 from Iowa (invited to apply for honors college) and $10,000 from Minnesota, should I expect something similar? Or nothing (Wisconsin has this reputation)?

which state residence is your son? it depends on IS/OOS, major etc

This may help

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My son applied 10/16, accepted pre-business 12/6. Submitted petition for direct admit to Kelley on 12/6 because he didn’t immediately realize he had to for consideration since he applied test optional. I keep reading about this SSA email invitation to apply for scholarships & keep asking him if he’s received anything and he says he hasn’t. I know people have mentioned emails & communication not being clear or consistent. So any tips for how to spot this email or if it’s obvious its from IU? Wondering if he hasn’t received anything until his petition is reviewed or if it’s unrelated. Any insight or educated guesses appreciated.

I see no way to edit my previous post, correction submitted direct admit review request 12/8 & still waiting for a response, hoping to know soon.

call scholarships after he gets into Kelley. I did call and they said some scholarships will be coming in feb. They did not send us the SSA invitation as well. No hutton email as well. Guess my d did not make the cut for Hutton despite of good stats.

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My daughter (this year)was admitted to IU, direct admit to Kelley, accepted to Hutton and received the SSA invite. All emails were very obvious, clear and consistent.

Kelley will send the direct admit from Bschool. Hutton comes from Laura Falcetti Hutton Honors admissions. SSA comes from IU.


My son was accepted pre-business to IU and is awaiting results from his Kelley Direct Admit petition. He got an SSA email a week or two after the IU acceptance. It was clear when it arrived. The SSA application questions feel very open-ended and a bit hard to structure/organize responses.

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My son is struggling a bit with the SSA essay . . . he’s overthinking it.

Has anyone been invited to apply to Hudson and Holland scholarships? I am wondering if the invite to apply means it is a long shot or even a possibility? The details about applications vs. acceptances is not something I have seen. TIA, if you know how competitive this scholarship is…

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Definitely apply! My son is a Hudson and Holland scholar and it makes a big difference in terms of tuition and fees and other opportunities. The program is also really well done with multiple opportunities to network and student support offerings. So glad to be of this community!

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Anyone planning on attending Admit day for the School of Arts and Sciences in Feb? If so, did you have to register? I didn’t see a registration link on the emails we received. Thanks!


Thank you, we for sure are applying. How long did it take before you heard if your child got the scholarship?..if you don’t mind my asking. We have our fingers crossed, but I feel like it is competitive so we are not super optimistic.

@Path2Success2023 We might be going! Reserved a hotel room but I don’t think we had to RSVP.

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We are planning on going. Just in case your DD is interested. I happen to come upon this- psychological brain science tour. I don’t believe it is part of admit day but I came upon it when I was trying to look for an RSVP link for admit day (i never found the RSVP link for admit day for Arts and Sciences). College Office of Recruiting Calendar

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My twins sent in their applications on September 8th. When they finally heard back in mid-December, they were (shockingly) deferred. Does anyone know when they will be releasing these decisions? It doesn’t say they were put into the regular decision pool.