Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission


Not sure if EC’s matter for it or not. Do you?

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Son has SAT 1510, 3.8 gpa, strong EC

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Sorry - he got 8k a year OOS Kelley


My oos daughter got Dean’s 10k/year. 33 ACT. 4.0, 4.69 W. Rank 1/160. 4s and 5s on AP exams.
Direct admit for bio and Hutton honors college.
Invited to do SSA, but didn’t do it.


S23 is a direct admit to Kelley and Hutton Honors College, received a Trustees scholarship of $8k per year. He was invited to apply for an HHC scholarship via the SSA but did not have the bandwidth to complete the application by 2/1 (essay fatigue). I think the HHC scholarship was up to $4k per year, if awarded. 4.0 UW, 35 ACT, lots of APs & strong ECs. Is fortunate at this point to have some very good options.


The essay fatigue is real!


Yes, it sure is!

Yes, this is the same for my daughter.
Hutton Honors College
Direct Admit Kelley
skipped the SSA because she was over the essay writing thing! I also told her that her working at her job was a better guarantee and ROI then doing the SSA, so to use the time she would have needed to write the paper working instead (she luckily makes $40-$45/hr working at a very popular in town restaurant).

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I have twin daughters. We are in-state.

Says the Provost Scholarship ranges from $1000-8000.

Twin1, 4.4 GPA weighted, 1350? SAT. Received $5000/yr.

Twin2, 4.3 GPA weighted, 1260? SAT. Received $4000/yr.

Not sure yet, but we have a local scholarship that they should both qualify for that is $4000/year as well. That would cover 2/3rds to 3/4ths of their tuition. I am pretty happy about that.


Child says they didnt’ get any email yesterday with merit money.
OOS, 34 ACT, 4.0 GPA, Kelley direct admit
Any thoughts? Did not apply FAFSA wouldn’t qualify

Daughter is a Direct Admit to Kelley. Accepted to Hutton. In state. Notified yesterday, $4,000 per year ($16K total over 4 years) Provost. Unweighted GPA 3.97; Weighted GPA 4.39 . 15 IU/ACP Credit hours completed with all As (4.0 IU Bloomington GPA). 1480 SAT. Working two professional jobs. Involved in community, two language conversational, plus school extra-cur activities (band, student math tutor, etc.).


You may want to reach out to the Scholarship office directly, but I was able to find this on their website. If you scroll down the page, you will see that they mention merit scholarships. It’s not clear to me whether filing the FAFSA (regardless of whether you quality for anything need-based or not) is required to get merit. I would definitely put in a call, becuase your child’s stats are great.

Financial Aid Basics: Financial Aid: Cost and Financial Aid: Indiana University.

My son did get Deans and we have not filled out the FAFSA .

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My OOS soon received 6k per year Merit Aid. Received the notice yesterday. No FAFSA filled out since we are not even close to qualifying for FA. 4.0 GPA/1460 SAT, no class ranking. Good EC’s, good essays!


I guess I would call. My daughter got email yesterday with notice of Dean’s Scholarship - OOS and TO (education), 4.33W gpa

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Our child received an award yesterday and we did not file a FAFSA.

Same, no merit. Direct Kelley and Honors. 1400 SATs 4.4 GPA

Congrats. Did you also submit the SSA?

Nutritional Science - Dietetics

Hutton Honors College
Deans Scolorship for 8k/yr

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Thanks! Unfortunately, no. After all the college essays (including finding out the school nominated kiddo for the Wells Scholarship and only had a weekend to complete it), kiddo is over essays and research papers. I completely understand the desire to shift focus back to the final few months of senior year, breathe, and just enjoy. Enough time has been spent on the college application process. Also, and we really only found this with IU, kiddo got a bit frustrated being asked to list the same info on every IU application; honors, leadership, community service, extracurriculars, etc. I understand them each asking for an additional essay or two or a couple of short answer questions, but that basic background info should already be available to them. We didn’t understand why those questions were continually being asked. Maybe the Common App isn’t shared between departments? Who knows?