Indiana University - Bloomington Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I would deduce - that if my kid refused to do an interview with a school related to scholarships or admissions…it was because my kid had no intention of going to that school. And perhaps he was saving his energy. I could accept that.
IF my kid refused to do such a task on a school he intended/wished to attend…We’d be having a much bigger conversation about his level of responsibility in this entire college adventure. If my kid knowingly threw away an opportunity… I’d be concerned about their commitment/stamina during the next 4 years.


kiddo ended up passing on the ssa after being notified of candidacy into the us presidential scholars program. it said that application would take @16 hours to complete. with midterms looming and already being over essays/application, we were more than ok with the decision to skip the ssa opportunity. i’m not sure which scholarships your son was eligible for, but for ours it was the hutton honors (1k-4k per year) and the college of arts + sciences w/STARS/IFLE (also 1k-4k per year based on merit and need). we don’t qualify for aid so i didn’t expect too much, if any, from a+s. at that point, we figured we would pick our battles. but when it comes to an interview, i agree with the others. i’d be concerned if my kid didn’t want to participate in an interview and would definitely find out if it’s due to lack of interest in the school or if he is just scared/nervous to interview.

My daughter applied early action.

Double major: BioChemistry, Neuroscience

Direct Admit to College of Arts and Sciences

Petitioned for HHC

Competed the SSA for, ASURE, STARS, IFLE

Awarded the Provost Admissions Scholarship
$16K over 4 years.

In state applicant. 3.89 uw / 4.68 w gpa. 33 ACT (36 English, 34 Science, 33 Reading, 31 math (calculator wouldn’t work)). Lots of EC’s, tennis player, over 1000 volunteer hours, clubs, leadership. Senate page for US Senate, non-profit board member

Waiting to hear back from Hutton, SSA and from other colleges she applied to. Hutton is important to her, so if she isn’t admitted, it will play a huge role in her decision.

Yes, I completely agree with you. But this is not a school he’s excited about. After his first 3 deferrals I had him apply to a couple of more target schools. This is one of them. That’s the problem when you apply to so many colleges. There’s no way you can truly put the same effort to all equally. He has his favorites, I have my favorites for him, and my husband has his preferences. And they don’t all match up.

Right now I’m more focused on pestering him about scholarship apps and document submissions and deadlines, especially to the schools he’s been accepted to. There’s just too much to keep up with.

We’re waiting to hear about Hudson and Holland. But he’s also waiting to hear from 12+ more colleges, so at this point, he’s losing steam when new requests come in. It’s pretty disheartening when you spend so much time on applications and multiple essays per app, to then be deferred and then you have to write a letter of continued interest for that school. So far four of his schools have deferred his decision and each one has had a different request on how to handle his response to the deferral. I applied to 3 colleges back in the day and wrote one essay.

i’d believe it. it is draining. i only applied to two and wrote one essay as well! i’m so sorry for your son (and you). please let him know people are rooting for him. it is disheartening when your kid tells you they are over with this process. i’ve admitted to feeling like a total nag when it came to getting my kid to give me a finalized list of schools. kiddo found it extremely hard to get emotionally invested and choose any at all because campus visits were restricted or unavailable due to covid. the same gripe i kept hearing was i’ve researched schools, but when i look at them online, they all sound exactly the same. how can i say i want to go here if i don’t even know what it’s really like? it’s been rough. my fingers are crossed for your son. we’re almost at the finish line. just keep swimming!

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This post is about scholarship information . . .

My son (OOS) previously received the Deans scholarship for $8,000. Yesterday he received a $2,500 per year scholarship from Luddy after completing the SSA. So, $10,500 is a pretty good result.


My in-state kid heard from Luddy yesterday that he received a $3,000 a year scholarship. He’d previously received $4,000 a year Provost Scholarship. He had been invited to apply for another scholarship that doesn’t seem to been awarded to anyone yet so far this year, so still one more we’re waiting on.


My son completed the SSA and days later got a Deans Scholarship for $9k/year. We had assumed that this scholarship was related to completing the SSA but by the looks of responses that doesn’t appear to be the case. So hopefully he may get a bit more??? He also completed the FAFSA but are less optimistic about that.

He is OOS (CA) and direct admit to Kelley. 4.0/4.8ish and 1530 SAT with pretty strong ECs. He was deferred from his Ivy 1st choice and has really taken a shining to Kelley the more we look at it. If he gets a bit more money then I think he would take Kelley over all UCs with the possible exception of Berkeley because Kelley is a direct admit business school with a fantastic rep. If he gets into ACE he may go to Kelley over Berkeley.


Congratulations! How did he hear about the SSA scholarship? My daughter is hoping to get something from the Media School. Did it come in an email, or was there someplace to see it in their portal?

He received an actual letter in the mail. He didn’t receive an email and hasn’t been able to find anything about it in the portal.

I see. My daughter received a Dean’s scholarship, for which she was notified via email, but it’s not listed on her portal under financials. I guess I’ll keep watching in the snail mail!

My son’s Provost scholarship came via email and isn’t in the portal either. Luddy seems to be the first (or at least one of the first) to send out scholarship info from the SSA, at least from what I’ve seen here and on Reddit and what my kid is hearing at school.

Did you get invited for ACE. My son has similar stats but we have not gotten the invitation.

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He also got the same 9k/year Deans scholarship


He did not. I guess that means he’s not invited if they are out already. He’s disappointed.

I noticed that last year people said ACE invites came out during February. Perhaps they haven’t gone out yet? Anyway - ACE is one of MANY programs within IU’s Kelley. So I would keep an open mind. I do believe I read that a person that participated in 2020 or 21 that the average SAT was around 1500…so that would give you a ballpark expectation of who gets invites. It likely depends on the batch of candidates. Your son does sound like a good candidate to me - but I’m just another parent :slight_smile:

My daughter received the invite for ACE last week. Not sure if they send them out over time or not.

She also was TO.

Question: if, in the One IU portal for “application status” there is a Major listed as well as a “University Division–Pre_______” does that mean that a) she has been accepted, and b) the major accepted her as well? Or are those just placeholders? :flushed:

I noticed that my daughter’s application status page looks different now than the other day, too, listing school and major, but underneath it, it also says this: “Thank you for submitting your application materials; your application is complete. Please consult our Deadlines page at to see when you should receive a response.”
So it looks like they just changed the portal.

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