Indiana University

<p>Start Indiana-specific dance major discussions here!</p>

<p>This school has the reputation of being the most selective college ballet program in the country, and I believe it! Last night I saw a live streaming presentation of their “Nutcracker” via their website. If you have the opportunity to catch any of the additional shows - December 6th at 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM EST, and December 7th at 2:00 PM, I highly recommend it. Here’s the link: [IU</a> MUSIC Live! from the Jacobs School of Music](<a href=“Home”>Home)</p>

<p>Not only is it one of the better “Nutcrackers” I’ve ever seen (not as good as the NYCB or the PBS versions, but still excellent), it also gives an idea of the exceptional strength of the dancers in the program. Certainly the female soloists appear to be company-ready, which is apparently the level of dancers the department is looking to admit. An acquaintance of ours was told by dance department officials that this is their standard when her d auditioned last year (though it’s not specified in writing). While that begs the question of why company-ready dancers are going the college instead of the professional route, it also suggests the quality of dancers who have a chance at admission here.</p>

<p>I don’t think the men were as impressive as the women last night, but you can see from their program bios that several are relatively new to dance. The female soloists had experience at the most selective SI programs, many on scholarship, which is another indication of how very accomplished they are.</p>

<p>Also - lots of amazing feet!</p>

<p>Anyone know what’s really going on with the Ballet’s auditions this year? First acceptances were to be mailed by Thanksgiving, then by Christmas, now it won’t be before the end of january. Is the ballet dept or Jacob’s school of music causing the delay?</p>

<p>Does anyone know anything about IU’s dance department … not the ballet program though?</p>

<p>We’d also like to know about doing a dance minor at Indiana. My dd is accepted at IU but not as a dance major. She hopes to do a dance minor there and wants to know if there are classes that she is excluded from taking that are only open to dance majors.</p>

<p>Chocolate chips -
I believe she can do a dance minor in the HPER school which offers modern, jazz, etc. There is not a dance minor in the ballet dept in the Jacobs School. Ballet major classes are open only to majors; however there are ballet elective classes in the Jacobs School up to advanced levels that are open to anyone. They are scheduled in the early morning or evening so she should be able to fit them in around her other classes.</p>

<p>So Indiana has two dance programs? A Ballet school and a Contemporary School?</p>

<p>Yes the ballet major is in the Jacobs School of Music - this is the program that is most well known and is very very selective. IU also offers a contemporary dance major (modern focused with jazz and tap offered) in the HPER school (Health Phys Ed and Recreation - Kinesiology dept.) It is also audition only but is less competitive for admissions.</p>

Anyone with an update on the Jacob’s dance program? Any word on faculty changes since the loss of Violette Verdy?

Anyone with an update on the ballet program? It is still a very selective program with many dancers auditioning for the few positions accepted! Has new faculty been hired for the year?

My daughter sent a pre-screening video. The cost of the IU dance application was $180 and she received a rejection and was not offered an on site audition. For that much money I wish they gave some feedback about the video or about the statistics of who was offered auditions. My daughter has danced 6-7 days per week and attended summer intensives every year. IU does not allow non dance majors to take the classes that majors take. She got into the IU Honors college and if there was a way to continue ballet at IU, she might have attended.
The only thing I am glad about is that we did not make a big trip to Indiana since they knew right off that bat from her video that she was not a good candidate.