Indiana Unviersty Bloomington vs. University of Missouri Science and Tech vs. Mizzou

<p>I'm down to three choices.
It's coming to a really hard decision for me, and I'm starting to freak out lol.
I want to maintain a high GPA (3.7 plus), and maybe transfer to Wash U. Stl.
Irregardless of what I major in, I want to get an MBA in a good school (hopefully Ivy)</p>

<p>1.Indiana University
- Want to major in supply chain management, but not a direct admit in B School
- Costs about 15k per year for everything after scholarships and stuff</p>

<p>2.University of Missouri Science and Tech.
- Major in Engineering Management
- 7 k per year after scholarships
- Have friends going there, they work hard</p>

<li>Accounting major</li>
<li>8 k per year after everything</li>

<p>Any input would be great!</p>

<p>Have you spent some time looking at the course requirements for these various programs? There is not much similarity between engineering management and accounting (which is in the Business School at Mizzou). Take a look at the department web sites and course catalogs.</p>

<p>Two of the towns in your choice set are nice college towns. The other one is a good deal smaller and less lively.</p>

<p>The gender ratio is pretty skewed at Mo-Rolla. It is overwhelmingly an engineering and technology school, and is still no more than 30% female, I believe. Is that a factor?</p>

<p>If you are actually interested in being an accountant, you may want to look at the combined bachelors/masters degree in Accountancy at Mizzou–a five-yr. program.</p>

<p>I don’t have any input on which, if any, would make it more likely to be a good candidate for transfer to WashU or similar. Keep in mind that students transferring to such schools may not get much in the way of financial aid.</p>