Info on Calc 151

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I took BC Calc in high school as a junior and got a 5 on the AP exam. I chose to take the 151 class because it was "recommended". Truth is that its been a while since I even touched calc... i took stats as a senior. For all the people who have already taken the class... do y'all have any insight as to how difficult or easy(fingers crossed) the class actually is? Everyone says that college calc is wayyyy harder than high school calc... but ya i just want some real perspective on the matter and some tips if you guys could provide some</p>

<p>You’ll be ready to go. It goes faster, but you’re in a much better boat then most people. I only took up to precal in high school and did fine (Got a B, should have gotten an A but I messed up). </p>

<p>One piece of advice, don’t get cocky and skip studying. One thing I noticed is that people who did take cal in high school sometimes felt like they didn’t have to study. Don’t do that. You’ll get beat by kids in the class that did study. Stay motivated and you’ll kick ass. </p>

<p>Thanks - I really appreciate it. Ya I’m planning on studying pretty hard cuz I don’t remember a lot of it but ya.
@chaoswithinthed‌ </p>

<p>Do y’all know anything about professor ke Shi? I have him for this coming semester for engr math 151</p>