<p>Here's an email I recieved back in the first week of February:</p>
<p>"Thank you for your continued interest in the University of Central Florida. Your updated transcript was received and is in your file for review.
If you have any further questions please contact us at 407-823-3000, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.
Thank you,
UCF Office of Undergraduate Admissions"</p>
<p>Here's an email I received today, after inquiry as to why my information hadn't been updated:</p>
<p>"Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, we did not receive a transcript with your first semester grades. Please have the school resend the transcript as soon as possible.
If you have any further questions please contact us at 407-823-3000, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.
Thank you,
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 160111
Orlando, FL 32816-0111"</p>
<p>For starters, WHAT THE [EXPLETIVE DELETED]? I applied over six months ago, and have apparently wasted two months because of this. Most of the spots are now gone. I'll resend my transcripts tomorrow at school, but I doubt I have much of a chance now. If I speak to them about this mix-up, do you think it will increase my chances, or make me look annoying? I'm SO MAD RIGHT NOW, it's unbelievable.</p>
<p>SDLDK! ARGH! I'm spasming with anger.</p>
<p>Something similar happened with my daughter two years ago with an application to an LAC. Somehow, although her file was complete, it was never reviewed. I contacted the school, and they checked into it. They apologized for their mistake, accepted her, and gave her a good merit aid offer. Do speak with them about the mix-up. Be polite, but firm. They should have the leeway to create a space for you, even if they are full, since it was their error.</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m definitely calling tomorrow, after I cool off a bit.</p>
<p>:( Oh my! You should definitely call them tomorrow, and try not to lose your temper. I would also send them a copy of the email from February attached to your transcripts and as calmly as you can let them know how much stress this has caused because you really want to be a part of UCF. Explain to them that you have done everything possible and hope this mix up hasn’t put you at such a disadvantage that it too late to be accepted. Good luck and I will say a little prayer for you tonight :)</p>
<p><333 You’re the best Mayday XD I need someone to exclaim with me. I’m calming down now, but yeesh. And yeah guys, I’m hoping this will make them at least look closer at me! :D</p>
<p>I hope so
If I get rejected they’re going to get a piece of my mind ! lmao that sounded so lame but they will! I’m not going to lie though, their disorganization is almost a COMPLETE turnoff.</p>
<p>D: To be quite honest though. With your SAT score, I feel like it’ll be kinda hard for them to turn you down, lol.</p>
<p>Almost being the key word there! XD</p>
<p>And thanks Mizz! That brings my spirits up :D</p>
<p>Don’t take my word for it though. Apparently a lot of kids are being rejected this year, when lacking in either department (SAT or GPA) I can tell you though, once you’re accepted it, it’ll all be worth it. UCF has been a great experience for me so far (except for the lousy math department that utilizes such a crappy website called Webcourses & SAgrader for Science, but I have a feeling SAgrader will be removed soon.) What I really like about this school is how much the professors cares for their students. Even in a large lecture class of hundreds of students, the professor would still try to help you as best as they can one-to-one, whether it be through email or going to their office hours. So yeah, stay positive!</p>
<p>Oh man
yeah, definitely call them because apparently that’s the only way that they can actually function. I bet it’s just a stupid mistake on their part and to make up for the inconvenience hopefully they’ll accept you :D</p>
<p>The sad part is, I still checked my Application Status like three times today, without even calling. I guess after 6 months, it’s just a habit! XD</p>
<p>Haha same here Ari ! Same here.</p>