Input on where I should still apply

<p>I know I made a thread similar to this a few weeks ago, but I couldn't find it, and I've had some updates since then, so I'm making a new thread.</p>

<p>(Just as a note- my school classifies colleges as far reach/reach/possible/likely, with possible and likely corresponding to match and safety. These classifications are based on how many students the college has accepted from my high school in recent years with stats similar to mine.)</p>

<p>So far, I've already applied to:</p>

<p>-Rutgers- safety; in state
-Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology- safety, but I've just been accepted
-RPI- match/safety
-MIT- far reach
-Caltech- far reach
-Case Western Reserve University- possible
-WUSTL- reach
-USC- match</p>

<p>I'm definitely applying to Carnegie Mellon (match) and Pomona (reach, but I'm also a legacy for two generations).</p>

<p>I still have some other colleges on my list that I'm not sure if I should apply to (all of these are due 1/1):
-Lehigh- match/safety- my counselor originally said I should apply because I have a pretty good chance of getting in, but- I've already been accepted at Rose-Hulman, so I guess I don't technically need any other safeties, since I know I'm in somewhere. I visited Lehigh. I guess I liked it, and it has my major. The thing is, it's not in the most exciting location, it's pretty Greek, and the students seemed kinda conservative (I'm pretty liberal, and I don't want a super-conservative student body).
-Tufts- match/reach- I liked Tufts a lot when I visited. It's a great size, nice campus, awesome location (not far from Boston), strong academics. I also really liked the interdisciplinary-ness (students double majoring in, say, biology and art history). The only thing that's getting me down is the supplement. I tend to be strong in creative writing, but not as strong in analytical-type writing; would it help me to do the optional essay?
-Johns Hopkins- match- I don't know, it seems like a really great place, but I'm not sure if it's for me (then again, I haven't been to visit, so this is just based from research I've done, via Fiske Guide and their website)</p>

<p>It's not like I have all the time in the world to do applications... I get home late every day from swim practice, and I have finals in a few weeks (12/17) which I need to study for. My parents have no problem paying for the applications, so that isn't a concern.</p>

<p>So what do you think? Out of the three schools I'm still considering, where should I still apply? I would really appreciate any input.</p>

<p>I’m definitely applying to Lehigh, but what about Tufts and Johns Hopkins? Any opinions?</p>

<p>Personally I wouldn’t apply to Lehigh if you guessed you liked it. As far as Tufts and JH, why? You already have matches and reaches so why apply if you don’t know you want to?</p>

<p>I visited JHU and loved it. It’s an amazing school with some fantastic programs. Everyone seemed nice, and the campus is gorgeous. I mean, that’s my own opinion but for facts, you know you would have incredible facilities for research and JHU has the highest grad school acceptance rate for a university in the country. It’s on my list. Apply, and if you get in, visit and get a feel for the campus yourself.</p>

<p>Erin’s Dad- I was sorta feeling the same way, but at this point, I’ve already paid to send SAT2 and ACT scores, and I’m ~2/3 done with the supplement, so…</p>

<p>sherlock1016- I didn’t know JHU had the highest grad school acceptance rate in the country. That’s impressive.</p>

<p>I talked to my counselor today. He says I really don’t need any more reaches, but I should definitely apply to JHU (he said don’t get rid of a match).</p>

<p>Are you interested in engineering? Consider Cornell, U Maryland College Park.</p>

<p>Are your stats very high? JHU and CMU are not matches for anyone, especially if you are applying for engineering at the latter.</p>