Instagram Influencing

In today’s day and age, social media is a very effective way of putting yourself out there. Today, a tiktoker got into UPenn w/o any subject tests or AP scores and he wrote his essay on tiktok. I’m the owner of an instagram editing account with about 70,000 followers, and although this was a hobby at first, it turned into a true passion. I have over 30 million views overall, nearly 3 million total likes, and have made $1,000 on edit commissions. I don’t want to major in film, though. I wanna major in biology with possibly a minor in film. don’t know if this is something I should pitch on my apps though because it may come off as silly. Thoughts?

I think you should treat it like you would any other EC/part time job, as a self started business (like someone doing lawn service, or something). It’s definitely not silly to start a small social media business. But don’t put too much focus on your followers/numbers. The value is in the work you put in and what it shows about you.

You should definitely put that on your apps. It makes you unique and shows passion!