instate vs out of state tuition

Hello guys, So I have been considered as an out of state students even if I already appealed it. I guess I cant do anything about it. So If I stay in Tech for a year, can I apply fpr instate tuition again and be considered as an out of state?

I read through your past posts. I’m slightly surprised your appeal was rejected even though your past posts says you and your mom have been living in VA for the past 3 years.

I don’t know if many people on the VT forum have had to deal with this. There might be a better forum on this site with university staff that could help you better… maybe the Financial Aid forum?

All public schools in Virginia follow the same guidelines from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (

The simple answer, barring any unusual circumstances (like, your parents are moving to Virginia this summer or something) is: NO, you cannot establish Virginia residency on your own while a student. If you came to Virginia from out of state for education purposes, you basically maintain your OOS status for as long as you are a student.

The easiest way to establish in state residency is to take time off from school and work and live in the state while not taking any classes. You would have to start this 12 months before the date of the desired benefit (i.e., 12 months before applying for admission decisions, 12 months before the first day of class for tuition purposes, etc.).

@FCCDAD I read on the past post that this student’s parent has already lived in VA, but is not considered a resident. If the parent was able to establish residency, would that qualify him? Based on OP’s past posts and being familiar with a similar situation, I imagine they just did not anticipate being considered OOS when they do live in VA and were able to get in state tuition for a CC.

@Hokie272727 Did you not graduate from high school in the VA/US?

Yes, his parents CAN establish residency while he is in school, and he will then inherit Virginia residency through them. He just cannot establish Virginia residency on his own while in school.

They have a number of questions on the application about whether you think you qualify for Virginia in-state education privileges, and about the parent(s) through whom you qualify and how long they have lived in Virginia and what evidence you have to support that. They also have a standard form to apply for a change of residency status after you’re already a student - this certainly does happen.

My D1 applied as in-state (living OOS but has residency through me supporting her) and had no trouble with UVA or W&M, but for some reason VT classified her as OOS until I faxed them copies of records in March of my paying CS to provide her substantial support. I don’t know why VT would be more strict about verifying that than the other schools are - VT’s OOS tuition surcharge is less than the others’. But that was our experience.

If his parents can demonstrate that they established their Virginia residency at least 12 months before the first day of classes, he should be able to get his residence changed to Virginian in-state for his second year. But I’m not a representative of the school, and my opinion here is worth only as much as you paid for it.