Integrating freshman at U of Rochester

<p>Anyone been through this in the last couple of years? What do they do for incoming freshmen? I'm a high school junior and am thinking of applying next year for computer engineering. Also, what support systems do they have if there are any problems academically or otherwise? How available are the prof's? I know that some other schools have 1 on 1 sessions with prof's as well as TA run sessions. Thanks.

<p>I’m not sure I understand your questions, but I’ll try. My d was a freshman 2 years ago. There’s a 4 day orientation immediately prior to the start of classes (no mid-summer orientations or anything like that). Each freshman floor has 2 upperclassmen called D’Lions to plan events and do fun things with the floor. All clubs are open to freshmen.</p>

<p>There is a lot of academic support. There’s the College Center for Academic Support [Center</a> for Academic Support : Arts, Sciences, Engineering](<a href=“]Center”>College Center for Advising Services : University of Rochester) and the Learning Assistance Services [Learning</a> Assistance Services](<a href=“]Learning”></p>

<p>How accessible the profs are depends on the prof. But Rochester places a good deal of emphasis on teaching. I believe that all professors continue to teach freshmen; it’s not just the new ones. And many classes do have TA run sessions as well.</p>

<p>Is it only a four day orientation now? I believe for my D, class of '06, it was more like a week including some community service outreach project for a day to the city.</p>

<p>Then immediately before her class graduated there was another four-five days of activities, something for y’all to look forward to…</p>

<p>Maybe it was 5 days. But I know they cut it down; we spoke to some admissions folks who said that orientation had been too long and they couldn’t keep the kids entertained!</p>

<p>Last year’s freshman orientation was 5 days. (This fall’s will also be 5 days.) Just long enough according to my d–any longer and there wouldn’t have been enough to keep everyone occupied.</p>

<p>There are also some optional outdoor trips for interested incoming freshmen that are held in advance of the beginning of orientation. (D is in the outdoor club-they help organize these.)</p>

<p>D says there’s lots of academic support. Aside from Learning Assistance, there’s a writing center anyone can go to for help with papers. (And not just writing 101 papers, but for papers in any course.)</p>

<p>The Counseling Center is open 24/7–in case you need something other than academic support.</p>

<p>orientation is the greatest part of freshman year</p>

<p>[2008</a> UR FOOT](<a href=“]2008”>2008 UR FOOT)</p>

<p>Yeah, UR Foot. That’s it, brainsprain</p>

<p>D was asked to be a trip leader for the 2008 trips, but she has a job in Yellowstone that lasts until 2 days before classes start–so she had to decline.</p>

<p>But the UR Foot trips are a blast!</p>