I was wondering what I should take at my community college in preparation for the physiology major. For my biology major at the college I’m required to take one of these four classes: Embryology, Genetics, Microbiology, and Field Ecology. Which one would help the most?
(I’m trying to take human anatomy and physiology instead, but if the college doesn’t let me I have to pick one of the four.)
2nd question, if you don’t mind answering, I know this school is very prestigious, but is it really as hard to get into as the masses make it out to be? Should I just throw this idea out of my head if I’m not top of my class with a 4.0 GPA?
Thanks for your time 
Here is a link for the Transfer GPA needed at your CCC to UCLA or any other UC of interest:
Have you check assist.org to see which courses are required and/or recommended?
Any similar schools on the list that could give a ball park for the transfer GPA?
All the community colleges that I can check are from California. I’m guessing GPA requirements are different for out of state and in state. I’m from New York. I should have probably mentioned that 
Thank you for the tip about assist.org I looked at the transfer agreement between UCLA and other community colleges that are in California, and they all had one course in common, genetics. So I guess that’s what I’ll be taking. I didn’t see any Human Anatomy and Physiology courses in the transfer agreement. Does that mean I shouldn’t take it?
If you want to take Anatomy and Physiology, I do not see any negatives. The subject might be covered in one of the life sciences course required for the major. Have you checked if the courses you are taking articulate to the required courses for the UCLA transfer?
Transfer students with 90 or more quarter units must complete the following courses prior to admission to UCLA:
Life Sciences 1, 2, (3 and 4 if possible), or equivalent,
One year of general chemistry with laboratory,
One year of calculus,
One semester of organic chemistry with laboratory
For more competitive admission, please try to complete the following:
2nd semester of organic chemistry with laboratory,
One (semester or) year of calculus-based physics
Transfer credit for UCLA Extension coursework and for any departmental courses is subject to prior approval by the department; consult the undergraduate counselor before enrolling in any courses for the major*.