<p>Thats not too bad, my school, half the year 13s have disappeared...literally dropped off the face of the world. Most classes have finished the stuff required for A-levels, so people just dont bother with school. We have to sign in for school if we're late, and some people are so truthful they put reasons like watching TV...haha. And this isnt even just the lazy ones, even oxbridge people cant be bothered anymore.</p>
<p>what on earth! why are you having your finals AFTER your ib tests? our "finals" were mock trials before the IB tests, now we're off school just slacking till graduation.</p>
<p>Our school is incredibly stupid</p>
<p>We have some finals after IB exams too. Some classes we had finals before, but for most we have after IB exams.</p>
<p>id say im one of the other kids in the class.... specifically that student that thinks you're a big weirdo for wanting class after the exam... you said you'd already read the material so what's the big deal? i'm with maize and blue on this one... enjoy your senior spring, and uh get a life</p>
<p>i guess if i were in that situation, i'd go w/ the crowd.. Laziness among teenagers is a very common phenomenon across the nation, especially for seniors, and I am suffering from it just like any other kids in my school. We've worked our butt off, and we deserve some break to recharge our spirits before we go to college and satisfy our intellectual curiosity even more.</p>
<p>My school is terrible...instead of taking the spring to relax, we have two weeks of AP tests, two weeks of IB tests, a week off and then FINALS...it's terrible. I'm in the middle of a couple of my SL IB tests right now (I'm a junior) and I just wish I had more time to turn in everything that I am getting behind on (owing to missing class because of AP/IB exams). I know it sounds crazy but I just wish we had an extra week or two of school...</p>
<p>egad, i'm glad aps are over now (no IBs here), and i'm free like a bird, free to fly where i please..weee
(btw my post is all apathy towards intellectuality)</p>
<p>Honestly, david, I don't believe this means that people are unintellectual and shallow and only concerned with taking the courses that will get them into college. I'd imagine most high-achieve seniors have been overloaded with class/homework, club stuff, job stuff, and a gazillion other things. Seniors really do deserve a break after APs. That you still want to learn is awesome, but you can't consider these kids intellectually apathetic just because they feel like being lazy in class after APs. </p>
<p>I think someone said earlier that a good way to judge a person's work/learning ethic is to look at how motivated they are after APs are done. I agree with this, but I wouldn't confine it only to your history class (or any other classes where people seem excessively lazy). Senior spring is a great time to start a volunteer project, take on more hours at work, spend time with your family, or even do that fun thing called reading that we used to love when we had more time...</p>
<p>ditto funkyspoon</p>
<p>I'm NOT a Senior!</p>
<p>Sorry, it's jstu cause everyones like "chill man, its spring of senior year," so I want to clarify that. I was ina very angsty mood when I wrote that post :( It didn't come accross the right way when I typed my thoughts out, I'm sure that's happened to many of you before. I think I was just dissapointed, but no, I don't think those kids are intellectually apathetic. I just was hoping that some other people would be interested to learn about the subject after it wouldn't directly affect their transcripts.</p>
now that i am out of my daze, i realize that what you say is completely correct. My AP Chemistry class was composed of dolts who wanted to get a good grade, regardless of their inevitable doom on the AP. They cheated, stole, slept with teachers, and fraternized with Nazis to get their high GPAs. Others, however, worked hard in the damned AP class to get their grades, and hopefully (fingers crossed) a good grade on the AP. Intellectually apathetic or not, AP Chem was a ****ing hard course; anyone deserves a break after that. Please dude, i'm taking this course seriously even when i realized i get absolutely no credit for my efforts. Give me a break, lemme rest in the back and pump the tunes. Cheers to all the graduating seniors, struck by a casa majora of senioritis.</p>
<p>Stop hating on me! We all deserve the break, I know. In MY specific situation it's a little different though I think. We weren't going to get any other work or tests, all we had to do was have a casual lesson on like nixon to present for a week. I don't think that should be too much to ask, especially casue I'm a junior, and senioritis is not in the question. Believe me, I know we all deserve a break. I've been binging on TV and movies after the AP exam, but still, even just out of respect for the teacher, kids should sit through another week. But PLEASE, I'm not the enemy, and I'm not cut out for this online beating. Everything I was feeling must not have translated well over the internet</p>
I'm not cut out for this online beating.
<p>Beating? More like mild prodding.</p>
<p>why is everyone obsessing about AP exams?</p>
<p>You dont get actual credit, you (hopefully) wont graduate early therefore you wont save any money if you go to any decent school full-time.</p>
<p>Studying for an AP exam consists of prepping for a 3 hour test which doesnt reflect whether or not you actually know the matierial. I took only 2 tests this year (after 5 last year) with no studying. If i get a good enough grade to pass out of lower classes, then great, if not then i wouldnt wanna be in the harder classes anyway if i dont know the prerequisite material. </p>
<p>And thats why studying for AP exams hurts you.</p>
<p>shux, we still have finals for our stupid ap's but i geuss i donthave it as bad as other people, and i know we havnt slowed down... we have this new teacher how is SOOOO dedicated she teaches every minute</p>
<p>haha new teachers can be so obnoxious...so bravely enthusiastic in the face of our apathy lol</p>
<p>and i agree with the AP/study comment. amen, amen. :)</p>