<p>So basically we had homecoming today and the tech crew was setting up for it. We needed a fuse so I asked the choir director and he okayed it. So long story short we get pulled over and we go to juvenile for truancy. Heh. Well I thought it was funny at least. See the choir director didnt vouch for us when the cops and principals asked. Whatever. Since it was a friday, I won't know my school sentence until monday. I'm okay with having to put up with this crap, but if I get suspended then I won't be able to be exempt from my exams! That's just wrong. But other than that, I thought the day was rather eventful. The cop whose car I rode in was probably the coolest cop ever. I told him about where I'm going to college and whatnot. We joked about having to give up all my alcohol and tobacco (which I have none). We were one 80's montage away from being best pals. hahah. So anyway. Comments? </p>
<p>P.S. My GC just send in my school reports with spotless records yesterday. heh.</p>
<p>man, that sucks! the choir director told y'all it was okay to go get the fuse, and then when the cops think you're truanting, he refuses to say that he told you it was okay? that is... totally unfair.</p>
<p>with any luck, nothing bad'll happen to you, like suspension or whatever, since y'all didn't do anything wrong!</p>
<p>but the cop sounds cool. hehehehehe.</p>
<p>That rule is actually enforced! God, I hated High School rules like that. I could never go to school and still maintain high grades. My school only allowed like 10 full absences the entire year which was a problem because I would miss school to go surf when it was really good. And I didn't necessarily play hooky, because my parents would always call the school and tell them I was unable to go for that day. I remember my senior year I had straight A's the second semester and my school wanted to lower them to B's because I had missed more than 10 classes that year. What is the point in that? I should be commended for doing so well without a high attendance rate!</p>
<p>I wish i lived in a place where I could surf instead of going to school. It seems like school has issues with people missing class. But in actuallity, since I wasn't in class because I was setting up for the pep rally, I wasn't missing anymore than I already would have. I'm so mad. and Sirwatson, I think you should be commended also... The Academic Surfer Award. Put it on the apps. Haha... very prestigious.</p>
<p>Haha. Too bad I graduated this year. A person's grade should be divided by the number of times he or she was in class.</p>
<p>Wow, I had no idea you can actually get arrested for truancy. Umm...the cops here don't care about anything unless you go 21 mph in a 20 mph zone...then you'd probably be sentenced to death.</p>
<p>"I remember my senior year I had straight A's the second semester and my school wanted to lower them to B's because I had missed more than 10 classes that year."</p>
<p>At my school, missing more than 10 classes will result in an automatic "F" for that class, no matter what grade you had in there.</p>
<p>Yeah eggnog, they try to do that at mine too, but if you talk to a principal, they might let you off, since they really don't want you around for an extra year.</p>
<p>i miss school all the time but i don't care, my parents don't mind either. school here is useless.
At our school you have 7 absences per semester
once you have 7, each absence after that must be excused by a doctor's note. my parents are doctors so ..</p>
<p>hahahah nice blue, I think we are allowed 6-7, but it doesn't matter if it's excused or not.</p>
<p>Here, 7 excused (like non-court, non-doctor stuff, like you have a cold, etc) absenses and you fail a class.</p>
<p>We have a 10 abscence policy too, if you are gone more you have a district hearing to determine if you get credit. I think it is because the schools (at least where I am) are paid based on daily attendence. It is just one way to ensure that more people come. However, your truancy is ridiculous. You're really lucky that the recs were just sent in...</p>
<p>Well just thought I'd give an update... I've been suspended for 3 days. I have to take my exams. However, my mom is planning on taking it to the school board if she has to. But my teachers (who think it's bs too) are letting me make up the work so I should have it all done by tomorrow heh. Plus there's no school on friday so I have no school till monday : )</p>
<p>My high school fails to count truancy if one is a senior; in fact, we have special days that seniors can cut for the day without permission and still be fine (10 a year). In addition, calls are not made to homes of seniors if they cut class unless it is too obvious (like cutting five days in a row). One only fails if one has too many cuts or misses to pass the class.</p>