<p>It all started yesterday on the first day of school. In the lunchroom I had my in my purse and peeked to see if I had a message, our lovely Dean of Students saw me and called me out and demanded my phone. Our Vice was there and laughed it off and at the end of the day gave me my phone and told me one more time and I'd be punished sort of thing and it was cool.</p>
<p>Today I walked past the Dean of students and told me to go to his office in like a very upset voice. I was so confused. When he got there he told me I owed him a detention but I tried to explain calmly the Vice just gave me a warning. He raised his voice and told me I didn't take the rules seriously and it doesn't matter what the Vice said and Ive been here for 6 quarters and should know better. But he eventually let the phone thing go but still counted it ( 3 detentions you lose senior off campus for the quarter). And popped out his pen and gave me a detention for my shirt not being fully buttoned which I have to serve.</p>
<p>Our shirts have to cover our collar bone; it's to avoid girls showing cleavage. It's targeted to girls only really. It was literally one button difference. My breasts were not showing. It was just pathetic. So it's the second day of school I have two detentions on my record for the year. Plus 3-4 over the course of 3 years, they were all dress code like wearing hoodies because it was cold. Me and this other kid are the first kids to get detention and it's posted on a wall. It's just pathetic I'm quiet and hell and has never done anything bad. But yea just wanted to ask what you guys think of this.</p>
<p>Oh and will colleges care?</p>