intermediate accounting 1

Hi, I am taking intermediate accounting 1 for the second time right now and might have to go for a third time. If I do well in the rest of my classes, will I still be attractive to an employer?

What type of employer and which position? Did you fail the class the first time or withdraw? Most companies filter for interviews based upon earned GPA. However, I know my son, who had an internship with a Big 4 firm last summer, had to send a transcript to the firm prior to receiving the offer and after graduating to show his degree was conferred. So the firm would see the number of attempts. A “W” may or may not impact an offer - if you follow-up with an “A” or “B” you are probably OK. But if you outright failed the first time, or if your school allows you to retake “D’s” - that would not look good to a major firm. The impact at smaller firms or companies may vary.

As a CPA myself, I do have to say that Intermediate is the “meat” of accounting and it would be hard to eventually become a CPA without a thorough understanding of the contents. Also, it will not get any easier - most undergraduate accounting programs require a second intermediate class and an advanced accounting or accounting theory class. (Exact course titles vary by institution.) If you are struggling, maybe you should consider other possible majors.

I agree, employers may or may not notice, but the bigger concern is indeed the importance on the subject matter to many future concepts taught in accounting. You may find yourself having a really tough time passing the CPA exam.

For a finance major, I believe intermediate accounting may be the last required accounting class.

Which concepts in intermediate are giving you the most trouble?