I’m a junior almost near summer. I was wondering, does anybody know any good opportunities available to high school students related to foreign affairs? I’ve been doing a lot of research but haven’t had much success. I’m currently in Chinese III and would like to apply to Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service.
Let me know if y’all have any ideas…
Are you in Model UN, Mock Trial or Student Gov’t? Have you looked at interning with a local governors/mayors office, or contacting your congressional representative? What about volunteering on a political campaign?
It’s probably too late, but study abroad and NSLI-Y (you could still apply for the gap year program) would be good opportunities. Pick up another language with STARTalk this summer. Can you volunteer for your local Congressperson or to work with refugees in your area? There aren’t a lot of direct opportunities for high school students, you’ll have to make your own.
Georgetown actually offers summer programs in the summer for politics/IR. I’m actually attending the IR one, and I’ve heard they’re really awesome. Especially since you’re hoping to attend the SFS (I am as well) these should be a really good opportunity. Make sure to apply soon though as a lot of them are filling up. 
Please feel free to ask me anything about the applications process!! Hope this was helpful!