International Financial Aid - Duke vs Northwestern

<p>I know that both are need-aware and have very limited spots for int. financial aid, but i want to apply to one, the one which i would most likely get one of those coveted spots
(i have a 2390 SAT, 800 800 SAT IIs and straight As, so i guess i would be competitive)</p>

<p>Duke has only 25 such spots and Northwestern say that their number is "limited" <--- does anyone know how many int are admitted with aid at northwestern?</p>

<p>at which school would admission be harder to gain?</p>

<p>thanks in advance!</p>

<p>[Fast</a> facts, International, Office of Undergraduate Admission - Northwestern University](<a href=“]Fast”></p>

<p>25000 applications
2078 enrolled
140 international (doesn’t say how many got aid)</p>

<p>7% of enrolled freshman are international. less than 10% of all applicants are offered admission.</p>

<p>One thing I can tell you about Duke is that they are very aggressive about collection
on any loans they give you. I left one of their grad programs with significant debt before finishing the degree (due to extenuating family reasons). They continued applying fees ot me because of a delay in some paperwork on my part, and they have now sought a judgment against me. They are my only educational lenders to do so, so I would be very weary about taking their financial aid.</p>