<p>I got in CAS class of 2014 as an international applicant. However I was not offered any financial aid. There is no way I'd be able to attend a private university without some sort of financial grant/help...therefore does anyone know if any scholarship is offered to international students by Cornell or other related organisations?</p>
<p>Much thanks.</p>
<p>I’m in the same position as the OP. My parents make about $50,000 CDN and there’s no way I’d be able to afford Cornell with $0 FA. I’m hunting for scholarships night and day now. Digging through websites looking for any form of aid/scholarship/grant available. Turns out I’m a lot busier now than I was when I was applying for schools.
If any of you guys know where there might be additional scholarships available, please share! I really want to go to Cornell :)</p>