first off, this is my first post here, so don’t mind if I do something wrong, and secondly, here is my problem:
So I’m a US citizen, but live in Slovenia, Europe. I’m REALLY interested in GA Tech. I attend the 3rd year of high school here and we’re graded on the 5-point scale (1 being worst, 5 being best). I will probably have a GPA (based on my highschool grades) of a minimum 3.91/5.0, or even 4.0/5.0 or higher. That’s really good for Slovenian standards, since anything over 3.5 is above average, and at 4.2, the government starts paying you, lol… Anyway, with that average I’m at the top third of my class, if I have a 4.0 or more, maybe even in the top fourth of the class, which says allot since this highschool is selective (but not private). Anyway, I asked GA Tech how they will calculate my score to their standards and they replied:
5 = A
3, 4 = B
2 = C
0, 1 = F
To me, this is pretty bad news, since this way my GA tech GPA would be around 3.33 at best, which is really bad, I know. And seeing that most people at GA tech have GPAs over 3.6 or higher, that would mean that my chances are done for. Out of 30 people in my class, if I’d transform their grades like GA tech said, only like 3 people would have a GA tech GPA of 3.6 or higher, and these people are at the very top of the class!
I mean, my math grade is barely a 2/5, but my SAT math score is 660 (I went on jan 24th), because this school is known to be pretty brutal!
So do you think Georgia Tech will look at other things, like class rank and so on, or should I not even apply?
Thanks so much to everyone who takes their time to answer! 
How are your SAT and SAT subject tests? I think those are going to be a big deal for you. Look at GT common data set page for details about GPA, rank, international acceptances. Are you planning on being full pay? GT was pretty brutal in the EA round this year even to US students. If your SAT math is 660, that would be a challenge. http://factbook.gatech.edu/admissions-and-enrollment/sat-scores/
I looked at their scoring, and they used to have the whole GA Tech scoring thing, which they don’t have anymore. My SATs are math 660, CW 580 and CR 550, which I know is not good, I’m going again and lastly in june to get CW and CR over 600, so I’m hoping to get a combined score of around or over 1900… I know it’s not genius, but the first time I went to take the SATs, I got a 580 in math so I think I improved quite a bit…
But is 660 in math really not great? Don’t get me wrong, I know what you mean, but I looked at the common data as you said and it says the lower 25th procentile in math got a 670… so that would mean I’m somwhere in the lower 25th procentile, which really isn’t the worst, I guess… Any other advices? Do you really think I need to up my math score even more? I’m not sure how much more I could do it, but if that’s what it takes… Or should I concentrate on upping my verbal scores to 600+?
I think GT is a very desirable school with plenty of kids who are going to be rejected with great stats. You are applying as a US citizen.
I know I am applying asa US citizen, but seeing my school has an average of like 3.5, me having a 4.1 average is pretty good… I hope they’ll see that when I apply…
What if I raise my math score to like 680, 690? And obviously my CR and CW scores to 600+, if I get like 8,9,10 on my CW essay, I’d probably get a CW score of 650+. All together I’m now aiming at 1920+, any better chance