International Interview

<p>Hi, I'm international, and has been contacted for an interview. I live in the country, which is not listed in that list (in the site), so as it's said there "the applicants will be contacted if Adcom requires more information"</p>

<p>What does it mean "more information"? Is it better to be contacted or not to be at all? Please, answer, I have not too much time to decide everything.</p>

<p>yea, I was wondering about the same thing, anyone?</p>

<p>i was interviewed for EA, and it came pretty much out of the blue. from what i gathered, if you are being interviewed, it means they are interested in you. don't worry too much about the interview, it'll probably be an alumnus and so it should be fun.
oh, and yes i'm international</p>

<p>Don't ever decline the interview. It can only be a positive. (My International Interview was in one of the country's listed, so I had mine back in October I think). It's only a good sign, as it shows they're interested.</p>

<p>I understand, but i am afraid a little to disappoint them. I have good SAT results, but my speaking english is not that brilliant, and I can lose my nerves there, and comlpetely forget it.</p>

<p>"from what i gathered, if you are being interviewed, it means they are interested in you." </p>

<p>this is def not the case. also u can contact interviewers urself as an international student. but to the OP, if ur english is not good u might want to try to practice to speak in english in front of the mirror. they dont expect u to be on a par with a native speaker but too many errors will shed a bad light on u.</p>

<p>dear pearfire, if you are from the country, "not lpresented at that list", you can't contact the interviewer, only adcom can initiate this, if it requires more information.</p>

<p>Accept the interview; this is your chance to put a human face to your application and to show the admissions committee who you are. In addition your interviewer can be very helpful. If you've any questions, doubts or concerns (and most international students do), he/she's a brilliant source of information.</p>

<p>As for your speaking English, well if I understand you correctly, your problem's one of confidence; have a few practice interviews with your parents/teachers so you're well prepared. It's just a conversation, don't worry too much about it.</p>

<p>Thanx, k_twin.
Can interview hurt your chances of admission?</p>

<p>by the way, my harvard interview was in spanish, the guy didn't even bother to ask me how I felt more comfortable speaking.. so maybe yours will be in ur language as well...</p>

<p>I got contacted for the interview and I was also wondering the same thing as the OP. And I am not planning to decline it, but just the way the site says "the applicants will be contacted if Adcom requires more information" sounds as if they either want to push me over to the rejection pile or to the "let's keep her and consider her a bit more" pile according to results of my interview. </p>

<p>Can any other international applicants who have already had an interview share their experience? (like what you talked about, kind of questions, where did you meet, did you get contacted or did you contact them, etc)
"How was your Harvard interview?" thread is very helpful, but I don't really see internationals posting there. </p>

<p>Also, I come from a country in which there are no interviewers available, so please state if your country was listed on Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Prospective Students or if your country was one of the countries that "Applicants from these countries will be contacted if the Admissions Committee requires more information." referred to.</p>

<p>Any information will be helpful and greatly appreciated since I am very confused...</p>

<p>Thanks! :)</p>

<p>what country are you from boho?</p>

<p>^^^I sent you a PM on that. </p>

<p>Do you think it matters?</p>

<p>hmm... i just found this thread...
i have a question. I know this may be weird...
but did you receive the interview email from admissions email?
i think i received mine from financial aid office..
do u think there is any difference?</p>

<p>^^sending you a PM on that</p>