

<p>I've got a question here:</p>

<p>When I had my interview(I called the interviewer myself, Harvad didnt contact her about me!) my interviewer said that I was the only one who had an interview and it was unlikely that there are any other EA applicants( I live in Jordan). Does this mean that Harvard will defer me in order to see the whole Jordanian pool(again, my interviewer told me that only an average of 4 ppl apply to H every year). Will it make a difference if I'm an American citizen? Does the commitee chose students by region(states, countries..etc) or takes a look at the whole pool?</p>

<p>Cmon any1, byerly, NSM?!</p>

<p>Double checking with the Handbook for Interviewers Abroad which Harvard issues to us alums conducting interviews overseas, I can tell you that the AdCom won't defer you "in order to see the whole Jordanian pool." Of course statistically most EA candidates ARE deferred - but your status as an applicant from an undersubscribed area won't be the cause. It does NOT make a difference that you are an American citizen - your application is still reviewed initially by the Adcom staff member handling Jordan. But after the initial subcomittee meetings, comparisons are made across geographical lines. Finally, there are 3 alum interviewers listed for Jordan so your interviewer might not have the full picture. However, if you have questions, you really should follow up with her directly. If she can't answer, she should contact the area person in Cambridge on your behalf and then get back to you. That's what I do for my interviewees.</p>

<p>thank you samuck. Just wondering, when did the meetings start? And when is the final meeting? Is there a process of elimination before the final meeting?And what exactly did u mean by "geographical lines" (I mean what countries?)</p>