<p>You need to learn what 'need-blind' is. Screenshot clearly states that 'Admission decisions are NEED-BLIND. We do not DENY students based on their FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES'. Definition of need-blind is not covering 100% of fees. It is not rejecting based on FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, which Cornell does not do for internationals. So YES, they are NEED-BLIND for internationals, and NO, this does not mean that you get 100% of need covered, but YES, this does mean that you won't be rejected if you are QUALIFIED otherwise. </p>
<p>Limited funding means that you can get in, they will offer you like 0-10% covered, but WILL NOT REJECT YOU, because they are NEED-BLIND. And this will give you a chance to actually search for some outside scholarships etc., holding an admission letter in your hands.</p>
<p>In contrast, for example, Rice University IS NOT NEED-BLIND towards internationals. Once they see you cannot pay, they reject you BECAUSE they DO care about your financial status. They will not admit you if they can see that AT THE MOMENT of applying you cannot fund your education. Cornell WILL admit you, if you are qualified, and WILL give you time to look for external funding. Cornell has a process of NEED-BLIND admissions.</p>
<p>Have a nice day.</p>