International Regular Decision Candidates

<p>So I am from Pakistan. Anyone else here applying RD?</p>

<p>Yup, I am ^^
I’m from Sweden.:)</p>

<p>Well Saaammie looks like its just you me and here.
Though i know of atleast a hundred people applying to MAc</p>

<p>I am applying to Mac too. Karpov did you take Toefl?</p>

<p>NAh forgot about it.literally. and now i am really bugged cause they show it as missing. what did you do/Take it?</p>

<p>I thought you had to take the toefl?</p>

<p>Mine showed as missing, but i called them and asked, and apparently it was in my file and they’d just forgotten to put it in. had me worried for a while.</p>

<p>i didnt take it. no other college asked for it. And i double checked too. Just dont know how i forgot about MAcalester.</p>

<p>I am gonna call them and ask them to exempt me from it. Lets see what happens.</p>

<p>Yeah keep us posted. Apparently my strategy of see no evil do no evil aint working</p>

<p>So did you call them?</p>

<p>i am not too optimistic about the chances of getting a waiver … i guess ill just give the Toefl on 28th. Saamie how long does it take for the results to come in? … how long after the testing date?
and whenwillitend did it work?</p>

<p>And come on Saamie be more alert…we cant reply to each other after ten days… lets keep this thread active?
Tell me something what do you feel about your chances at Mac? How were your essays? remember the one only for internationals … i really screwed that one up.</p>

<p>International RD applicant here!, sorry I’m late.</p>

<p>Hope I meet all you guys in Mac Dupre Hall!</p>

<p>Hey, Karpov, don’t tell me what to do. You have no idea why i havent answered. I answered, and it doesnt matter if it takes 10 days or 10 hours. :)</p>

<p>It takes about a month for the toefl results to come in, a little longer for them for get to the schools. </p>

<p>I dont know about my chances…I feel pretty confident, my grades are good, my mac essays were my best essays, but my sat’s are so-so. I want to hope but I just dont dare to hope. I dont want to be too disappointed if i get rejected.
what about you? What other schools are you applying to?</p>

<p>HeSaidThis, yaaay!:slight_smile: how do you feel about your chances?</p>

<p>I don’t know, because I applied for International FA. That will be a decisive factor in my application. Otherwise, I think my stats are not that bad. :)</p>

<p>@ Saamie u r right man. U answered. Anyway i better call them now.
@ HeSaidthis glad u could make it here. I am sure more people will come as April draws nearer
Same here. Everything i guess will hinge on the FA for me too.</p>

<p>I applied for financial aid too. I wish the economy was better though.</p>

<p>Yeah, I wish the economy was better too. And, yeah, FA matters most. </p>

<p>Ahh… I love everything of Mac except for its campus and architecture. I think its campus is a little bit small, and its architecture too Bauhaus. I love Gothic. LOL</p>

<p>Except for those two I’ve mentioned above, everything of Macalester appeals to me. I even chose to apply to Mac over Midd, a need-blind school.</p>

<p>I’ve applied to Midd too… I just hope i get accepted somewhere.</p>

<p>hey, hope it’s not too late to join in, just getting into the whole posting thing in hopes of commiserating with people who understand about the terrible wait…anyone else going crazy???</p>

<p>in exactly the same boat, I think my stats are very strong, but everything will probably come down to the huge amount of FA I need </p>

<p>my main two hopes are Mac and Midd…but Midd is now cutting the amount of international FA available because of the economy…</p>

<p>oh I just hope somewhere will give me a shot!!!</p>