<p>Hi! I was trying to fill out those 2 form, since most colleges need them to determine the financial aid package. Here are some questions I had:
1. Section A: Expected Visa Type - F or J? I have heard that with a J visa you can work more, but then you are restricted in some way not to come back in US.
2. Section B: If my father is retired, should I name the last employer?
3. General question - my parents' financial documnetation was lousily translated, and was not notarized - will that be a problem?
4. Section C: Do I have a source of emergency funds once I arrive in US? Well, should I mention $300 of cash personal savings? Do I need a statment from the bank to prove that later? Or just say "no"? Whould it look bad?
5. Section E: Are approximations okay here, with family spendings on food, clothes, ect?
6. Section F: How do I calculate how much my parents can pay each year? Take total income, and then substract expences from the previous section? </p>
14-17: If I am planning to stay in US for summer school, but do not have money for that - should I write that? I am just afraid that information like that would make college officials look unfavorably on my application. Should I try to make it seem like we spend less money than in reality, so there is more available for college? I do not think it is a good solution, but I do not know what else to do.</p>