International Student - Please tell me my chances for these schools!

<p>Ok so I am from the Caribbean so forgive me if some of my exam results seem a bit strange (ie you;re not sure what they mean). I want to ultimately do medicine and I have recently become a permanent resident of the US and so will be living there as of next year. I still, however have to apply as in international student.<br>
The schools I have chosen are Yale University, University of Chicago, Cornell University and Columbia University. Please let me know my chances! </p>

<p>SAT 1 - 2190 (CR 700 MATH 780 WR 710)
SAT 2 - pending
unweighted gpa 4.0 (school does not caclulate weighted)
-top 1-2% of graduating class
-CSEC (caribbean exams done in 11th grade) received distinctions in 9 subjects (english language, math , lit, bio, chem, phys, information tech, spanish, accounts)
-CAPE unit 1(advanced proficiency caribbean exams) - received distinctions in all 5 subjects - which was the most we were allowed to do bio, chem, phys, math, communication studies
CAPE unit 2 pending
-awarded honours all throughout high school
-past treasurer current president of chess club
-interact club member for 2 years
-treasurer and soon-to-be- brown belt in capoeira (afro-brazilian martial art)
-placed top 3 in these church related exams for like 4 or 5 years
-spent a summer doing biotechnology at a university
-member of school's volleyball team in 10th grade
-mentor program last year at school
-school prefect
-previously sub-prefect
-read to the blind for about 2 years at this blind society</p>

<p>Also, here, required high school ends at grade 11 (starts at grade 7), but sixth form, which is advanced and almost university level, consists of 2 years and so goes to grade 13. They do not refer to the classes as advanced placement directly, but I am wondering if they can be considered as such.</p>

<p>bump :slight_smile: really need to know. Not that much application fee money to go around.</p>