Chance me at Cornell, JHU, Yale and Columbia!

<p>I am from the Caribbean I want to ultimately do medicine and I have recently become a permanent resident of the US and so will be living there as of next year. I still, however have to apply as in international student.</p>

<p>SAT 1 - 2190 (CR 700 MATH 780 WR 710)
SAT 2 - pending
unweighted gpa 4.0 (school does not caclulate weighted)
-top 1-2% of graduating class
-CSEC (caribbean exams done in 11th grade) received distinctions in 9 subjects (english language, math , lit, bio, chem, phys, information tech, spanish, accounts)
-CAPE unit 1(advanced proficiency caribbean exams) - received distinctions in all 5 subjects - which was the most we were allowed to do bio, chem, phys, math, communication studies
CAPE unit 2 pending
-awarded honours all throughout high school
-past treasurer current president of chess club
-interact club member for 2 years
-treasurer and soon-to-be- brown belt in capoeira (afro-brazilian martial art)
-placed top 3 islandwide in these church related exams for like 4 or 5 years
-spent a summer doing biotechnology at a university
-member of school's volleyball team in 10th grade
-mentor program last year at school
-school prefect
-previously sub-prefect
-read to the blind for about 2 years at this blind society</p>

<p>Also, here, required high school ends at grade 11 (starts at grade 7), but sixth form, which is advanced and almost university level, consists of 2 years and so goes to grade 13. They do not refer to the classes as advanced placement directly, but I am wondering if they can be considered as such.
All my apps are RD

<p>Cornell-high match
JHU- match
Yale- reach

<p>Well, can’t say seeing yale as a reach came as any surprise. Anyone else care to weigh in?</p>

<p>id rather not do this…but bump</p>

<p>I’m a student at JHU. My stats were exactly the same as yours. </p>

<p>4.0 UW, SAT I: 2200, SAT II’s +700’s, top 3%, leadership positions in many clubs.</p>

<p>JHU was reach for me, and it will be a definite reach if your applying as an international student. It is really a coin toss since I have friends with stats as good if not better than mine and they end up being rejected at all the top schools he applied to. :-P</p>

<p>Are you a URM?</p>

<p>oh, also adding University of Chicago to the list</p>

<p>woot! That’s nice to hear actually stats wise (tryin to stay positive)JHU was the first college on my list so it’s one of my secret faves. Do you like it there?</p>

<p>URM? not sure what that means</p>

<p>Capoeira has a significant following within the martial arts student organizations at Hopkins. The capoeira is a very cohesive, popular, and friendly group of people. If you like capoeira, there is definitely a highly committed group of people who you can talk to and hang out with. They are frequent participants of the annual Cultural show and they are a very popular martial arts group at Hopkins.</p>

<p>Do I like it? It is very hard and very challenging. It is rewarding for me since I’m premed pursuing medicine, the intellectual atmosphere is tremendous, you are surrounded by intelligent and pretty bright minded individuals that wow you sometimes. I’m actually doing research down at the medical campus through a medical tutorial with a professor at the medical school. The relationship that exist between the Homewood campus and medical school is really impressive. Can’t ask for more if you are pursuing medicine at JHU. :-P</p>

<p>omg just what I wanted to hear. I was really worried about being able to continue capoeira. I do love it so (getting my brown belt this month :)) and I am indeed pursuing medicine. I’ve wanted to become a surgeon since I was 4</p>

<p>and yes I’m a URM</p>

<p>anyone else wanna weigh in</p>

<p>weird, permanent resident but still have to apply as international? but none of the schools you’re applying to really minds that fact though. cornell you have a good chance. and then the other schools are basically a change for anyone.</p>

<p>oh cool. Not bad.</p>

<p>ba bump…</p>