International Student Semester Choices

Dear Student Advisor, HELLO!
I am an international student from Taiwan and I have recently applied as an undergraduate for two schools: Washington State University and Utah State University. A few days ago I found out that i was admitted by Washington state university. I applied for the 2016 fall semester because i did not expect that i would get accepted this soon(i had no such idea). Now i am facing a problem . I was thinking that since I am already accepted, maybe i should ask the school if i could switch semesters and go their a semester earlier to study?
Right now i am currently studying in a private university in Taiwan. I know that if i switch semesters I will have to quit school here in Taiwan before my first semester ends(Taiwan university ends first semester in late January). I am okay with that. But i am not really sure if i will have enough time to prepare to go to America to study in January? If i do have enough time to deal with visa, housing, and all that stuff, should i apply for the spring semester? Or should i wait till fall to attend? I just finished reading your article about whether to apply for the spring or fall semester. But because i am an international student(which is somehow in a different scenario) i still have no such clue on which semester fits me best. So i am writing this letter to politely ask for your kind help and advice. Thank you so much for spending time on reading my email. Wish you a lovely day!

Before speculating, email WSU and ask them whether you could be admitted for Spring. Since I assume you don’t need financial aid and typically Fall is more competitive than Spring, it may well work!