International student who really want to learn nursing

<p>I'm going to U of pittsburgh this fall as a freshman. The problem is that i haven't get the admission to the nursing major. I only get the admission to Business. I wonder how challenging the transfer will be.
Another problem is that my mother language is not English, so I'm worried about if international student will have difficulty learn nursing.
I'm waiting for the answers , thanks:)</p>

<p>Pitt has a direct entry nursing program. Did you apply for nursing or for business? I would email admissions and ask these questions directly. A language barrier is a challenge for any major, but not an impossible barrier.</p>

<p>I believe Pitt’s nursing program at the main campus is very difficult for admittance as a new student or as a transfer. I’d contact the nursing dept. and find out how hard it is to transfer - I expect they will not be very encouraging.</p>

<p>You might look into the nursing program at one of Pitt’s branch campuses, or nursing programs at many nearby colleges. Maybe you could finish 2 years at Pitt and then transfer to another college, or finish you Pitt degree with a major in biology and then go to school at a nursing program designed for people with a bachelors degree. However, that last option would be more expensive and time consuming.</p>

<p>For what you are probably paying Pitt as an out of state student, you could afford to attend a mid-priced private college that offers nursing.</p>